The purpose of the image handler is to transcode image (jpg, png, gif) assets and video captures into base64 strings
Clockwork Image Handler
The Clockwork Image Handler is a module designed to help developers easily integrate image uploading and picture taking (via the device's camera or webcam) into any web interface. This module is Promise-based, and includes a polyfill for browsers that do not support promises.
The images you want to upload, or the pictures you take are converted to a base64 string, that can be used in any frontend, or sent to any backend.
features include:
- Reading locally stored images via the File Upload API
- Image cropping
- Image resizing
- Taking pictures with the webcam. Devices supporting this feature are:
- Chrome (desktop and mobile)
- Firefox (desktop and mobile)
- Edge (desktop and mobile)
- Safari (desktop and mobile)
- Attempting to use this feature on unsupported browsers will result in a rejected promise
- Preview the image in a target DOM node
npm install cw-image-handler --save
The image handler is natively an ES6 package. Once installed, it can be imported as follows:
import { ImageHandler } from 'cw-image-handler';
Using the image handler requires a new instance of it:
const imageHandler = new ImageHandler('#target-element');
The image handler also comes with a UMD package, so it can be imported via a require statement or a script tag (under the global cw namespace)
Table of Contents
Generates an image and injects it into the specified target
Object The parameters required to execute the preview function
Returns Promise A promise - The resolved promise will have a response argument containing the result of the request
Crops an image (base64 string) that is passed to the function. You must include at least a width or a height or a target. Crop will always centre the image before cropping
Object The parameters required to execute the crop functionopts.image
string A base64 string representation of an image. You can use your own base64 string, or use the base64 string returned from a uploadImage or takePicture callopts.width
number The final width you want the image to have. (optional, defaultundefined
number The final height you want the image to have. (optional, defaultundefined
(string | Element | NodeList) - A target element that will be used as the basis for resizing the image.- can be a querySelector, a DOM element, or a DOM node list (optional, default
- can be a querySelector, a DOM element, or a DOM node list (optional, default
Returns Promise A promise - The resolved promise will have a response argument containing the result of the request
Resizes an image (base64 string) that is passed to the function. You must include at least a width or a height or a target. The aspect ratio of the image will always be maintained, even if the width, height, or target establish dimensions that do not match the aspect ratio of the image. If you need a specific shape, you should run crop after resize
Object The parameters required to execute the resize functionopts.image
string A base64 string representation of an image. You can use your own base64 string, or use the base64 string returned from a uploadImage or takePicture callopts.width
number The final width you want the image to have. (optional, defaultundefined
number The final height you want the image to have. (optional, defaultundefined
(string | Element | NodeList) - A target element that will be used as the basis for resizing the image.- can be a querySelector, a DOM element, or a DOM node list (optional, default
- can be a querySelector, a DOM element, or a DOM node list (optional, default
string - The way in which you want to constrain the image in the target (container) element. Constrain values can be:- "contain". Make sure the whole image fits within the boundaries of the container. This could mean that the width or height could be smaller than the container, depending on the aspect ratio of the image
- "fill". Fill the entire container is filled. This could mean that the width or height could overflow beyond the boundaries of the container, depending on the aspect ratio of the image (optional, default
Returns Promise A promise - The resolved promise will have a response argument containing the result of the request
Initialises the image uploading functionality, that will kick in once a specified event has been triggered
Object The parameters required to execute the uploadImage function
target: '#myButton',
event: 'click'
}).then(function (response) {
var fileSize = response.fileSize;
var imageFormat = repsonse.fileType;
var fileName = response.fileName;
var base64String = response.image;
Returns Promise A promise - The resolved promise will have a response argument containing the result of the request