CutShort is a javascript plugin to create multiline overflow ellipsis easy.
Table of Contents
Install with npm:
npm install cutshort
Install with yarn:
yarn add cutshort
CutShort is a libary that makes multiline oveflow easy.
<span class="cut-short">Lorem ipsum...</span>
Now as you created element you want to use CutShort on you have 2 ways to initialize it:
import {CutShortFactory} from 'cutshort';
new CutShortFactory('.cut-short');
import {CutShort} from 'cutshort';
new CutShort(document.querySelector('.cut-short'));
After you initalized CutShort it is possible to access the CutShort's instance on its HTMLElement. It is cutShort
property of CutShort's HTML element:
const myCutShort = document.querySelector('.cutShort').cutShort;
// Now you can use all cutShort methods like
Don't use CutShort
and CutShortFactory
with quering that could target the same element. Trying to initalize CutShort on the same element twice will result in errors.
All options can be passes as attributes on the element. Attributes have higher priority over options.
lines {Number?}
Maximum amount of lines that will be displayed inside CutShort
Default: 1
Attribute: cut-short-lines
breakpoints {{[key: Number]: Number}}
Allows to set different amount of displayed lines for different responsive breakpoints (screen sizes). For example:
// when window width is >= 0px
0: lines, // Added automatically, no need to provide.
// when window width is >= 576px
578: 2,
// when window width is >= 768px
768: 3
// when window width is >= 992px
992: 1
Default: {0: lines}
Attribute: cut-short-breakpoints
(accepts only valid json format, in case of invalid json, error message is thrown)
excerpt(): Void
Exerpt the content of the element CutShort got initialized on.
destroy(): Void
Destroy the current instance of CutShort
get content: String
Get full not excerpt content of the element CutShort got initialized on.
get options: {lines: Number, breakpoints: {[key: Number]: Number}}
Get options of current CutShort instance.
set content(value: String)
Set new content inside element with CutShort instance.
set options(value: {lines?: Number, breakpoints?: {[key: Number]: Number}})
Set new options for current instance of CutShort.
As long browser you want to support has support for mutationObserver and Set (part of ES6) you are good to go. In other way you need to install appropriate polyfills.
This project uses webpack 4 to compile typescript into javascript. Run npm run watch
in terminal start a watch on typescript files and build everything after saving your changes.