ApostropheCMS version 3 Code Schema Field
Custom-Code-Editor-A3 ApostropheCMS 3 Schema
An ApostropheCMS Custom Schema for your own custom-code-editor-a3 field.
This extension adds a full-featured code editor that is perfect for coding tutorials, documentation containing code examples, or any other type of page that needs to display code.
This schema uses the open-source Ace Editor library that you may found here Ace Editor
Falling in love with custom-code-editor-a3 module ? Send love ❤️ through Paypal here :
From within your apostrophe project npm install --save custom-code-editor-a3
Include in app.js:
// In app.js
modules: {
'custom-code-editor-a3': {},
// ... other modules
Enable Code Editor Schema
Simple :
fields: {
add: {
myCode: {
type: 'custom-code-editor-a3',
label: 'First Code'
Getting the custom-code-editor-a3
This custom-code-editor schema returns an object composed of a code
string containing the formatted code along with a type
string that is derived from the type of editor used to input the code.
code : '<string code value>',
type : '<modes>'
Following the example above, in your template HTML file you can simply get an object like this :
{{ }}
{{ }}
or you can simply use apos.log()
to see what's available on custom-code-editor-a3
objects :
{{ apos.log( }}
Displaying the custom code
It is up to the developer to format the code string supplied to the template by the custom-code-editor
. We recommend using a package like highlight.js
, but there are a number of other similar packages out there.
For the highlight.js
package you will need to add the package script and styling, plus a small additional script to activate it on the page. It is typically sufficient to surround the editor code string with <pre>
and <code>
tags, but you can also supply the type
if needed.
<code class="language-{{}}">
{{ }}
Custom-Code-Editor-A3 Options Available
The custom-code-editor has a number of options available. You can customize your editor experience by creating your own index.js
file in the modules/custom-code-editor
folder of your project to extend the existing options.
// in modules/custom-code-editor-a3/index.js
module.exports = {
options: {
ace : {
theme : 'tomorrow', // themes available : (Case Sensitive)
defaultMode : 'javascript',
options : {
// All options available in :
modes : [
title : 'Javascript', // Title to Override Name
name : 'javascript', // Name of the mode (Case-Sensitive)
snippet : '// Content Start Here \n print(\"Hello World\") \n @code-here', // Default Value (String)
disableSnippet : true // Disable default snippet value when switching (OPTIONAL - Boolean)
config: {
fontSize: 16, // Editor Font Size (Number or String)
editorHeight: 500, // Editor Height (Number or String)
dropdown: {
enable: true, // Enable it for switching modes button (Boolean)
height: 30, // Height Dropdown (Number or String)
borderRadius: 5, // Border Radius Dropdown (Number or String)
fontFamily: "Mont-Regular", // Font Family Dropdown (String)
backgroundColor : "Orange", // Background Color Dropdown (String)
textColor : "white", // Text Color Dropdown (String)
fontSize: 16, // Font Size Dropdown (Number or String)
position: {
// All top , left , right , bottom dropdown position enable for configs
bottom: 20,
right: 20
arrowColor: "blue" // To change arrow color in dropdown (String)
List of default modes available
- ActionScript
- Bash
- C++
- C#
- Javascript
Name Of The Modes References
List of all Modes
How to Override Existing Mode ?
Simple , make sure the name of the mode is similar to default modes provided.
Default Mode
By default , defaultMode : 'javascript'
is enable. But you can choose a default mode by yourself! Just add the name of any mode available to you. Lets say you want 'css' to be the default mode.
ace : {
defaultMode : 'css' // Same as `name : 'css' in mode : []`
This will select
a the starting mode, then you can choose a different mode by choosing from the dropdown if needed.
Enable Snippet
To enable your snippet to be added automatically when this schema is open, you have to enable the dropdown
ace : {
config : {
dropdown : {
enable : true
WARNING ! Once enabled, your dropdown will be in the upper left corner. This will block your code input so we recommend that at the same time you enable the dropdown you add a custom position. For example, to position the dropdown on bottom left corner with an offset of 30px from the container edge use:
ace : {
config : {
dropdown : {
enable : true
position : {
bottom : 30,
left : 30
Disable Snippet
If you want to disable snippet addition for a specific mode, write the name
of the mode and set the disableSnippet
property to true
ace : {
modes : [
name : "html",
disableSnippet : true // This will not automatically change snippet when you change mode on dropdown
Override Snippet
Also , if you want to override the default snippet for specific mode, write the name
of the mode and insert your snippet
ace : {
modes : [
name: 'javascript', // name must be the same as existing default mode
snippet: "document.addEventListener(\"DOMContentLoaded\" , function(){\n
in a Snippet
What is this syntax for? Well, whenever you change your mode on dropdown, the existing codes in the schema will be replaced automatically into the new snippet in place of @code-here
. Amazing right? If you did not provide this, your existing value in the editor schema will be lost. Let's make a new override snippet that has our own @code-here
in it:
ace: {
modes : [
name :'javascript',
snippet : "// Content Start Here \n print(\"Hello World\") \n @code-here"
Title of Dropdown
By default, the name of a dropdown will be in the name
property. But some of the names don't make sense! Can I change it? Yes you can! Simply add the title
property with your prefered name For example, rename the existing sh
mode to be called Bash
ace : {
modes : [
name : 'sh',
title : 'Bash' // This will make dropdown name as Bash instead of Sh
Clear Default Modes
What if I want to clear all default modes and define them myself? Easy, add the clearModes : true
ace : {
clearModes : true
Once you clear your modes, you can define your own modes without considering any overrides mode. Doesn't this makes your life easier?
ace : {
modes : [
// List of all modes that you want to define. The options you may write like this
title : '<title of your mode>',
name : '<name of your mode (case sensitive)>',
snippet : '<code snippet>'
Don't worry about the indent in your Snippet , Ace will automatically beautify the code whenever you enter your new content.
Insert My Own Theme
By default , theme : 'chrome'
. If you wish to change the theme (Case Sensitive), you can find all available themes here All Ace Editor Themes Available :
ace : {
theme : 'monokai'
Ace Editor Options
Now this one , I just extend it for you to enable ace editor options. Reference : Ace Editor Options
ace : {
options : {
// Same property and value as in :
// Example :
cursorStyle: "smooth",
useSoftTabs: true
Enable Emmet Option
By default, emmet is not enable and you need to configure it yourself. But Ace Editor provides a simple options to enable emmet. However, you need a library to load it to Ace Editor. You can find any emmet libraries available online but I provide some sample to you below that works :
ace : {
options : {
enableEmmet : true
Then load emmet library in your template views :
<!-- load emmet code and snippets compiled for browser -->
<script src=""></script>
Custom-Code-Editor-A3 & Dropdown Configurations
You also can customize your own dropdown/ace editor css styles. All the dropdown configurations available for you are listed in this example:
module.exports = {
options: {
ace : {
config : {
fontSize : '<Number or String>', // Editor Font Size
editorHeight : '<Number or String>', // Editor Height
dropdown : {
enable : '<Boolean>', // Enable it for switching modes button
height : '<Number or String>', // Height Dropdown - Default : 30
borderRadius : '<Number or String>', // Border Radius Dropdown
fontFamily : '<String>', // Font Family Dropdown
fontSize : '<Number or String>' , // Font Size Dropdown
backgroundColor : "<String>", // Background Color Dropdown (String)
textColor : "<String>", // Text Color Dropdown (String)
position : {
top : '<Number or String>',
bottom : '<Number or String>',
right : '<Number or String>',
left : '<Number or String>'
arrowColor : '<String or Hex or RGB or RGBA>' // To change arrow color in dropdown - Default : "black"
You must be thinking , why are fontSize
and editorHeight
available for editor options ? While we could do it at the options
ace : {
options : {
// all editor options
Because we have a css issue with
to override apostrophe css default normalize. So, I made it for you to easily override in theconfig
settings. Or maybe you can push your own file to override it. Either way, both are possible override options :)
Specific Field Customization
Well, I know some of you don't want some specific editor to have the same options in all custom-code-editor-a3 field instances, right? To make it backward compatibility, only some of the options can be overridden on your schema fields. Here is an example :
fields: {
add: {
code: {
type: 'custom-code-editor-a3',
label: 'Your code here',
ace: {
defaultMode: 'c_cpp',
config: {
dropdown: {
backgroundColor: '#040303',
textColor: '#fffcf2',
arrowColor: '#fffcf2'
Why are
not available to override? This will go against the rule optimizing webpack feature that only project level options module by your own defined modes and theme get setup in the browser. Alloptions
values must be configure in project level moduleindex.js
or directly onapp.js
inmodules: {}
If you wish to disable some options, just set it to null
on that property option. It will removed from your specific field option. For example :
fields: {
add: {
code: {
type: 'custom-code-editor-a3',
label: 'Your code here',
ace: {
config: {
saveCommand: null,
Warning ! If you did not set any config value, config will not be available on specific field. To use existing config, simply set it as empty object
config : {}
How To
Search Bar
Ace got its own search bar. Simply hit Ctrl + F
Save Selection
Now this one is a new function ONLY for ApostropheCMS . If you hit Ctrl + Shift + S
while selecting new code, it will replace an existing highlighted text previously when you change your mode. Don't believe me? Check it out!
Wait ! Can I change save command ? Yup , you can. Add options like this :
ace : {
config : {
saveCommand : {
win : 'Ctrl-Shift-F', // Windows Key
mac : 'Command-Shift-F',// Mac Key,
message : 'Your Selected Text Saved ! ' // Your custom save message
Options Customizer
Have you ever lamented that you are tired of testing options by restarting the app and adjusting your options all over again? Now we have the Options Customizer that helps you more easily tweak your editor options configuration.
What does it do ?
It brings you more features that you can't live without! All options available for you to modify can now be saved for each logged in user or even you could copy all the desired options and paste it to your project level module! Here are four core features for Options Customizer :
- Copy Options
- Undo Options
- Save Options
- Reset Options
These options will make your editor change live upon options modified.
Copy Options
You can copy your modified options and paste it on your project level module that will apply to all! The copy features uses Clipboard JS to make it work. Below are the demonstration on how to use it :
NOTE : It only copies from modified changes, not the entirty of the options. If your module options are already configured, it will not copy your module options. Instead, it will copy all your changes options that you did through On/Off Toggle(s), Select Input(s) and Range Input(s).
Undo Options
You can undo your modified options to the default settings. This will help you reset your changes to default options.
NOTE : This will not undo saved options to the default setting. If you wish to reset from saved options, refer to section "Reset Options" below.
Save Options
You can also saves all your modified options. This will keep all your modified options apply to all custom-code-editor-a3 types !
In MongoDB, you will see this data directly in type : apostrophe-user
"customCodeEditor" : {
"highlightActiveLine" : false
NOTE : Save options will not apply to all users. It will load current users saved options and apply it to all editors. This will allow each users to their own desired options.
Reset Options
You can also reset all options. This will remove current saves options and change it to the default module options settings. Let say you have follows save options demonstration above, you simply click Reset
like example below :
NOTE : This will affect the currently logged in user only. It will not remove any other user's options.
Modify Options
What if you want to add your own help text? You could simply done it in project level module like this :
// In custom-code-editor-a3/index.js :
module.exports = {
options: {
ace : {
optionsTypes : [
name : "highlightActiveLine",
help : "This will highlight active line cursor position"
NOTE : If you wish to add more options, take a look at
to see how it is done. And MAKE SURE you do it in an ARRAY like the example above.
Disable Options Customizer
You wish to remove the options customizer? You don't like it? Don't worry, just set it to enable : false
like this :
// In custom-code-editor-a3/index.js :
module.exports = {
options: {
ace : {
config : {
optionsCustomizer : {
enable : false
// More configuration coming soon
Why are some other options missing ?
Well, some other options will break apostrophe's UI and are also against the rule of pushing assets. For instance, we cannot set other themes via the Options Customizer because we will only push desired theme configuration from your project level module. This is because Ace contains more than 10 js files for each modes and themes available.
Browser Object
How can I get the schema browser object for custom-code-editor-a3
Simply you can find it on :
I keep it similar
object from ApostropheCMS version 2 so that you can copy paste your previous code from ApostropheCMS version 2 into ApostropheCMS version 3 easily without breaking change.
Get Editor Browser Object
How can I get from the one that defined in javascript browser at var editor = ace.edit("editor")
as in Ace Editor Website has telling you about ?
You can get it via browser scripting
By that , you can test anything on browser-side. For example you open on Chrome Developer Tools and enter :
Get Multiple Editor Browser in Single Schema
Oops! How can I get specific editor browser object if I have two fields in a same schema? I made it simple for you, let say you have these fields:
fields: {
add: {
code: {
type: 'custom-code-editor-a3',
label: 'First Code'
secondCode: {
type: 'custom-code-editor-a3',
label: 'Second Code',
ace: {
defaultMode: 'html',
config: {
saveCommand: null
Next, simply get the name
property to get specific schema in browser object :
// First Editor
// Second Editor
Easy right? Hell yeah it is! :D
Advanced Configuration (Skip this if you comfortable with current features)
Why can't I switch to other themes or other modes by scripting ?
By default we only push asset that are defined modes. It detect by your modes name and push. The rest of the modes will not be available in your browser. This is due to performance where the Ace Editor contains more than 10 js files for all modes.
MIGRATION NOTE: In Apostrophe 2, you can push all ace files with minor issue. Due to major webpack 5 issue on Apostrophe 3, I decided to remove this option entirely on
property because webpack has no control to manage the chunks from Apostrophe 3 Apos UI. I'm so sorry 😢
Add More Methods/Commands/Event Listener To Your Ace Editor
Let say you want to add MORE commands that are already refered to Ace Editor HOW TO or maybe add new events by yourself. First, let's create new js file to any name you like and push like this:
Inside modules/custom-code-editor-a3/ui/apos/mixins/AfterInit.js
// In modules/custom-code-editor-a3/ui/apos/mixins/AfterInit.js
export default {
methods: {
afterInit(element) {
const self = this;
const editor = self.getEditor();
// Add my own custom command
name: 'myCommand',
bindKey: {
win: 'Ctrl-M',
mac: 'Command-M'
exec: function(editor) {
// Your commands code in here...
return apos.notify('"' + + '" field: ' + 'Ctrl + M/ Command + M is pressed!', {
type: 'success',
dismiss: true
Inside modules/custom-code-editor-a3/ui/apos/mixins/BeforeInit.js
// In modules/custom-code-editor-a3/ui/apos/mixins/BeforeInit.js
export default {
methods: {
beforeInit(element) {
// Your custom code here that runs before acejs initialized
Extend Methods available
These methods are available for you to use :
| Method | Description |
| --- | --- |
| this.beforeInit
| This extend method is initialised before editor is initialised but you can access
default value in it. |
| this.afterInit
| You can get this.getEditor()
easily from this method so that you can add more commands anything to editor or you can add more functional programming to yourself :)
Methods available
You can refer methods available for you to use in here: Custom Code Editor Methods
Webpack Extension Options
Project Namespace
If you have different namespace for your production, set this value in your project folder
// In modules/custom-code-editor-a3/index.js
module.exports = {
webpack: {
extensionOptions: {
aceBuildsFileLoader: {
namespace: 'my-default' // Default: process.env.APOS_DEBUG_NAMESPACE || 'default'
Disable Cleaning Build Files for Custom-Code-Editor-A3
If you wish to disable all cleaning build modules for custom-code-editor-a3, simply set clean
to false
inside extensionOptions
called aceBuildsFileLoader
like below example:
// In modules/custom-code-editor-a3/index.js
module.exports = {
webpack: {
extensionOptions: {
aceBuildsFileLoader: {
clean: false // Default: true
Disable Cleaning ONLY Production Build Files for Custom-Code-Editor-A3
If you wish to disable only release modules for custom-code-editor-a3, simply set cleanRelease
to false
inside extensionOptions
called aceBuildsFileLoader
like below example:
// In modules/custom-code-editor-a3/index.js
module.exports = {
webpack: {
extensionOptions: {
aceBuildsFileLoader: {
cleanRelease: false // Default: true
This is because there are some errors on Ace-Builds that generates for Production from Development & from Development from Production that I already tested it, to prevent it from happening.
Access all options available in ace : {}
Simple , you can access it via this.ace
in AfterInit.js
that you had override the file in your project level module ui component. You may refer methods available down here:
- Update tests better according to current webpack solution.
- Update README for better documentation on how to add more methods.
- Update packages & (Thanks to @BoDonkey -
- Able to extend APOS UI on
methods by overriding the file names inside 'modules/custom-code-editor-a3/ui/apos/mixins' directories - Move production files that were generated for Ace-Builds sourcemap files using handlers method on event
. Only works if the user is runningbuild
script. (Temporary Solution until Apostrophe fix/update the issue). - Using
magic comments
on renaming chunk files on development modes.
- Update packages &
- Update
to package.json
- Fix spacings
- Fix package.json to have Git URL
- Fix typos & comments
- Fix
to have better & proper cleaning builds folder options from project level module to override. - Fix lint codes on Vue files
- Fix
to have better override config merge value - Add lint rules & extends into
- Fix clean-webpack-plugin onto dependencies and remove it from devDependencies
- Fix on
- Add options for webpack to override from project level module
- Initial package using the same as Custom-Code-Editor in ApostropheCMS version 2.x.x. First Release for ApostropheCMS version 3.x.x!