Simple、reactive state management based on React Context Api.
Simple、reactive state management based on React Context Api.
With es6 Proxy and React Context Api, you can manage you state with simple js class.
install ctx-react:
yaran add ctx-react
For a better development experience, you can add
to your babel plugins:yarn add -D @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties
add add them to your .babelrc
{ "plugins": [ ["@babel/proposal-decorators",{ "legacy": true }], ["@babel/proposal-class-properties",{ "loose": true }] ] }
Now write your store class, just a simple es6 class:
import axios from 'axios' class Store { userId = 00001 userName = zz addr = { province: 'Zhejiang', city: 'Hangzhou' } login() { axios.post('/login', { // login data }).then(({ userId, userName, prov, city }) => { this.userId = userId this.userName = userName this.addr.province = prov this.addr.city = city }) } } export default new Store()
Connect the Store to React class with Provider:
import React from 'react' import {Provider} from 'ctx-react' import store from './Store' import Page from './Page' @Provider(store) export default class App extends React.Component { render(){ return( <Page /> ) } }
Map data and function in your store to any Component with Consumer:
import React from 'react' import {Consumer} from 'ctx-react' @Consumer export default class Page extends React.Component { render(){ const {userId, userName, addr:{province,city}, login} = this.props return( <div> <div className="user-id">{userId}</div> <div className="user-name">{userName}</div> <div className="addr-prov">{province}</div> <div className="addr-city">{city}</div> {/* form */} <button onClick={login}>Login</button> </div> ) } }
That`s all, all you need to do is write a simple store class, and connect to the app with Provider, anywhere you need to use the data and function, just use consumer.
Of course,there are some Additional usage:
import axios from 'axios'
import {exclude} from 'ctx-react'
// If you don`t want to connect some data to your app, you can use exclude.
class Store {
userId = 00001
userName = zz
addr = {
province: 'Zhejiang',
city: 'Hangzhou'
@exclude temp = 'the data will not be proxied, and not be mapped to your props'
login() {
axios.post('/login', {
// login data
}).then(({ userId, userName, prov, city }) => {
this.userId = userId
this.userName = userName
this.addr.province = prov
this.addr.city = city
export default new Store()
By default, the ctx-react
will export a Provider and Consumer from a default Context, if you wan't to use multi Context, just import the Context, and use Provider and Consumer from it:
// App.jsx
import React from 'react'
import Context, {Provider} from 'ctx-react'
import store from './Store'
import store1 from './Store1'
import Page from './Page'
import Page1 from './Page1'
const {Provider1,Consumer1} = Context
export default class App extends React.Component {
<Page />
<Page1 />
export Consumer1
// Page1.jsx
import {Consumer1} from './App.jsx'
// ...
You want to connect more than store to your app ? Just add more store to Provider as you want:
import { Provider } from 'ctx-react'
import store1 from './Store1'
import store2 from './Store2'
import store3 from './Store3'
@Provider(store1, store2, store3)
// other code ...
But you don`t want to map all data and function to the props ? just add keys you want to the Consumer:
import { Consumer } from 'ctx-react'
@Consumer('userId', 'userName', 'login')
// other code ...
Or you can add a function to map the data:
import { Consumer } from 'ctx-react'
@Consumer(data => ({
prov: data.addr.provvince,
city: data.addr.city
// other code ...
What about this ?
import { Consumer } from 'ctx-react'
@Consumer('userId',data => ({
prov: data.addr.provvince,
city: data.addr.city
// other code ...
Yes, just do what you want.
Future Feature:
- Add scoop to the data.
- ...