Univariate ARIMA model
Univariate ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average)
Emscripten port of the native C package ctsa for univariate time series analysis and prediction.
Interface of ctsa
consists of four functions that all take a 1D vector with observations over time.
const ctsa = require('ctsa')
const diff = ctsa.diff(ts, 1, 1) // lag, differences
const acf = ctsa.acf(ts, 20, {
method: 0 // ACF method Default
const pacf = ctsa.pacf(ts, 20, {
method: 0 // PACF method Yule-Walker Default
const [pred, errors] = ctsa.arima(ts, 20, {
method: 0, // ARIMA method (Default: 0)
optimizer: 6, // Optimization method (Default: 6)
p: 1, // Number of Autoregressive coefficients
d: 0, // Number of times the series needs to be differenced
q: 1, // Number of Moving Average Coefficients
verbose: true // Output model analysis to console
const [pred, errors] = ctsa.sarima(ts, 20, {
method: 0, // ARIMA method (Default: 0)
optimizer: 6, // Optimization method (Default: 6)
p: 1, // Number of Autoregressive coefficients
d: 0, // Number of times the series needs to be differenced
q: 1, // Number of Moving Average Coefficients
s: 12, // Seasonal lag
P: 0, // Number of seasonal Autoregressive coefficients
D: 1, // Number of seasonal times the series needs to be differenced
Q: 1, // Number of seasonal Moving Average Coefficients
verbose: true // Output model analysis to console
ARIMA Method (method)
0 - Exact Maximum Likelihood Method (Default)
1 - Conditional Method - Sum Of Squares
2 - Box-Jenkins Method
Optimization Method (optimizer)
0 - Nelder-Mead
1 - Newton Line Search
2 - Newton Trust Region - Hook Step
3 - Newton Trust Region - Double Dog-Leg
4 - Conjugate Gradient
5 - BFGS
6 - Limited Memory BFGS (Default)
7 - BFGS Using More Thuente Method
ACF Method
0 - Default Method
1 - FFT Based method
PACF Method
0 - Yule-Walker
1 - Burg
2 - Conditional MLE (Box-Jenkins)
Web demo
You can try ARIMA online in the Forecast app: https://statsim.com/forecast/.
It uses the original arima
package under the hood and applies random search method to find the best values of p
, d
and q