Custom Swift based VIPER module generator
Swift VIPER Module Generator
VIPER is an application architecture discussed in the Objc.io article no.13, ttp://www.objc.io/issue-13/viper.html.
This is an NPM package to generate VIPER modules for use in Swift based iOS projects. The Module creation happens in the Wireframe of the module which means the module dependencies are disposed of when the view controller is removed from the navigation stack.
You can install it globally using NPM:
npm install -g https://git.netsoftware.com.ua:4356/artemkravchenko/ctrldo_vmg.git
Navigate to directory where the module needs to be created.
ctrldo_vmg create [ModuleName]
Generated directory structure
+-- ApplicationLogic
| +-- Interactor
| +-- TemplateInteractor.h
| +-- TemplateInteractor.m
| +-- Model
| +-- TemplateModuleModel.h
| +-- TemplateModuleModel.m
+-- ModuleInterface
| +-- TemplateModuleConstants.h
| +-- TemplateModuleProtocols.h
+-- UserInterface
| +-- DataSource
| +-- TemplateDataSource.h
| +-- TemplateDataSource.m
| +-- Presenter
| +-- TemplatePresenter.h
| +-- TemplatePresenter.m
| +-- View
| +-- TemplateVC.h
| +-- TemplateVC.m
| +-- View
| +-- TemplateView.h
| +-- TemplateView.m
| +-- Wireframe
| +-- TemplateWireframe.h
| +-- TemplateWireframe.m