> A js command tool
A js command tool
How to use
# install ctools
npm install ctools -g
# 拉取仓库代码
cdevtools getDemo
cd ./vue-dev-tool
npm run appExpress
然后再浏览器打开: http://localhost:9898/platform/#/devs
# ctools push // git自动提交代码
## dev push 当前分支为dev分支
push // 发布 npm 包 // 需先登陆
push --push // 将dev 分支推送到远程同名分支 ,并发布npm包
push --not-publish // 将dev 分支推送到远程同名分支 ,不发布npm包
## issues branch push 当前分支为其他分支 // 同时会拉取 test分支的代码
push // 将代码推送到远程同名分支
push --todev // 将代码推送到远程同名分支, 然后检出dev 将 issues 分支合并到dev
push --publish // 将代码推送到远程同名分支, 然后检出dev 将 issues 分支合并到dev 并发布npm 包
# ctools read 将单文件拆分成多个文件, 使用场景 用单文件形式开发多文件的项目(小程序,4 个文件)(react 4 个文件)
to split a file into several file. you can use in you react project; (
you can edit a html file which includes script and css codes
than use ctools to split it into css and js
you should put a ctools.config.js in you root directory;
const weConf = {
readType: "single file", // you'd better not change this, otherwise it will work unexpectedly
// file type you wanna output , if you wanna css codes tobe a .css file than a .wxss file, just set fileType.css as css;
fileType: {
html: "wxml",
css: "wxss",
js: "js",
json: "json"
// the directory where includes you own codes
inputPath: ["./src/tools",],
// the directory where you expect to place the output files
outputPath: "./src/dist",
// file should be go through when it's' name matches the RegExp,
fileReg: /\.(cwx)$/,
succMsg: "write sss success!",
module.exports = [
// jsToolConf,
// nodeToolConf
eg. index.cwx
<!-- you'd better use the same tag with attributes as i do -->
<!-- because it matches tags by only a few strings below -->
eg. if you wanna match a .json file
it will work when you use '<script role="json"> something </script>'
but '<script role="json" ref="sss"> something </script>' , '<script role="json"> something </script>'
<script role="json">
/* this will output something as .json file */
/* json.stringify( eval(the content 'export default' exports) ) */
export default {
aaa: "5646",
<!-- this will output something as .html file -->
/* this will output something as .js file */
a: "43246"
/* this will output something as .css file */
background-color: red;
background-color: red;
a: "43246"
{"aaa": "5646"}
another way to use ctools read;
i suppose there is a project like this;
if you wanna use all components in index.vue;
you shall add these code in it:
export header from "../component/header.vue"
export content from "../component/content.vue"
export footer from "../component/footer.vue"
const componentConf = {
inputPath: ["./src/component",],
outputPath: "./src/component.js",
fileReg: /\.(vue)$/,
importReg: /\/src/,
exportReg: ".",
succMsg: "write es6 success!",
exportMode: "es6",
how to set these params?;
if fileReg match noting;
export ./src/component/footer.vue;
but it should be ../component/footer.vue;
"./src/component/footer.vue".replace(/\/src/, ".") is "../component/footer.vue";
your codes changes to this
export component from "../component.js";
if you wanna those codes like this
const header = require("../xxx/xxxx")
just change exportMode "es6" to "node";