C-Style data structures implemented into JavaScript
About the Project
C-Style data structures, made into JavaScript. Storing data in plain JavaScript is inefficient, so I have programmed C-inspired data structures into it. cstyle-js optimises the memory used by an array by allowing a byte to contain information on multiple primitive types / structs so absolutely no memory is wasted.
Current Features
- Creation of structs using primitive types
- C-style arrays which store primitives / structs (objects) efficiently in binary. Serialization and deserialization handled.
Creating an Array of Booleans
const { cvar, PtrArray } = require('cstyle-js');
let arr = new PtrArray(8, cvar.boolean); // create array of 8 booleans
console.log(arr.toHex()); // -> 00; (only 1 byte!)
console.log(arr.get(0)); // -> false; get the first item in array
arr.set(0, true);
console.log(arr.toHex()); // -> 80 (first bit is now 1 [true])
console.log(arr.get(0)); // -> true
Structs and Creating an Array of Objects
const { cvar, Struct, PtrArray } = require('cstyle-js');
let item = new Struct("product", [
["itemId", cvar.int32],
["cost", cvar.int32],
["onsale", cvar.boolean]
let items = new PtrArray(4, item); // create array of 4 items
items.set(1, {
itemId: 1,
cost: 50,
onsale: true
console.log(items.get(1)); // { itemId: 1, cost: 50, onsale: true }
Declaring Custom Types / Structs
cvar by default includes:
- uint4 (unsigned 4 bit integer)
- uint8 (unsigned 8 bit integer)
- int32 (signed 32 bit integer)
- bigint (signed 64 bit integer)
- char (16 bit unicode)
- boolean (1 bit true/false)
- null (1 bit null)
A new type can be created using CType with the following parameters in order:
- Name of the type
- Size of the type in bits
- How to serialize the type into an array of bytes (Uint8Array)
- How to deserialize an array of bytes into the type
The implementation for the int32 type is as follows:
const { CType } = require('cstyle-js');
const BYTE_LEN = 8;
const BYTE_SIZE = 2 ** BYTE_LEN;
let int32 = new CType("int32", 32,
(int) => new Uint8Array([
(int >> (BYTE_LEN) * 3) % BYTE_SIZE,
(int >> (BYTE_LEN) * 2) % BYTE_SIZE,
(int >> (BYTE_LEN) * 1) % BYTE_SIZE,
(int) % BYTE_SIZE
(bytes) => bytes[3] + (bytes[2] << (BYTE_LEN * 1)) + (bytes[1] << (BYTE_LEN * 2)) + (bytes[0] << (BYTE_LEN * 3))