Fractals Drawing with CSS Houdini
CSS Houdini Fractals
Drawing Fractals with CSS Houdini.
🌐 Try it online!
🚀 Download locally
This repository has zero dependencies. Only the fractals.js file is required to use it with any site. If you would like to try the demo locally download this repository and follow the commands below.
# If you have node installed:
npm start
# If you do not have node installed and have Python installed then depending on
# the version Python and OS installed one of the following commands should work:
python3 -m http.server
python -m http.server
python -m SimpleHTTPServer
💡 Usage
Use CSS Houdini API to import the fractals.js file
// Modern Browsers - Import JavaScript file from CDN
if ('paintWorklet' in CSS) {
CSS.paintWorklet.addModule('https://unpkg.com/[email protected]/fractals.js');
// Modern Browsers - Using Local build, only a single file is needed
if ('paintWorklet' in CSS) {
Use the [css-paint-polyfill] Polyfill to support all Modern Browsers (won't work with IE)
<script type="module">
(async function () {
if (CSS['paintWorklet'] === undefined) {
await import('https://unpkg.com/css-paint-polyfill');
The type of HTML element and class name does not matter, rather height and width are needed.
.fractals { height:400px; width:400px; }
<div class="fractals"></div>
<section class="fractals"></section>
CSS Options
By default only `background-image: paint(fractals)` is needed.
.fractals {
background-image: paint(fractals);
The example below shows all options with default values, except
for [--colors] which is empty resulting in black lines.
[--colors] are dynamic and based on the number of colors included.
The delimiter for [--colors] is a space so these examples are all valid:
--colors: red green blue;
--colors: black;
--colors: #000 #222 #444 #666 #888 #aaa #ccc;
[--shape] = One of [line, circle, square]
[--debug-to-console] and [-show-origin] = 0 or 1
.fractals {
--colors: red green blue cyan magenta yellow;
--angle: 30;
--starting-length-percent: 22;
--next-line-size: 0.8;
--shape: line;
--max-draw-count: 10000;
--debug-to-console: 0;
--show-origin: 0;
background-image: paint(fractals);
🎨 CSS Houdini Links
- https://houdini.how/
- https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/houdini.how
- https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Houdini
❄️ Fractals
- https://fractalfoundation.org/resources/what-are-fractals/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
- https://mathworld.wolfram.com/Fractal.html
- https://www.wired.com/2010/09/fractal-patterns-in-nature/
🌐 Additional JavaScript Fractal Links
- https://thefractal.zone/
- https://github.com/delimitry/fractals-js
- https://progur.com/2017/02/create-mandelbrot-fractal-javascript.html
- https://medium.com/@yortuc/fractal-fun-with-javascript-2102d03ad22b
- https://progur.com/2016/10/procedural-generation-create-fractal-trees-javascript.html
- https://lautarolobo.xyz/blog/use-javascript-and-html5-to-code-a-fractal-tree/
- https://www.lesscake.com/fractals-chaos-game
- https://repl.it/talk/learn/Julia-Fractals-in-JavaScript/12806
- http://rectangleworld.com/blog/archives/462
- http://slicker.me/fractals/animate.htm