Interact with a CSML chatbot in your terminal!
CLI Client for CSML
This CLI client is made to interact with chatbots created on https://studio.csml.dev and exposed through the API connector.
For more information about CSML, please refer to https://docs.csml.dev/#introduction.
:cloud: Installation
Clone the repository
$ git clone [email protected]:bastienbot/CSML-cli-client.git
$ cd CSML-cli-client
Create the CSML API connection
In the CSML studio, create a API connection.
Create a new .env based on the existing example
cp .env.example .env
Then copy and paste your credentials in the .env file
:computer: Usage
$ node main.js "Show me my AWS bill for last month"
This will start a conversation with your chatbot sending "Show me my AWS bill for last month" as first message.
Here are a list of supported components :
is shown as expectedUrl()
shows the url, your terminal might of might not provide an clicking interfaceImage()
shows the url, your terminal might of might not provide an clicking interfaceWait()
shows the amount is async so the chatbot will not wait, although it will notice you of the instructionUrl()
shows the amount is async so the chatbot will not wait, although it will notice you of the instructionButton()
shows a button as text with the option of selecting a button by tyuping its number (1, 2, 3, ...)Question()
shows the question and the buttons shown as buttons components