A nodeJS lib to provide CSGO Player stats.
CSGO NodeJS wrapper
A nodeJS lib to provide CSGO Player stats.
Getting Started
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Run the following command in npm
npm install --save csgostatsnode
Require in the module as follows
const csgoStats = require('csgoStatsNode');
const cStats = new csgoStats({"apikey":"<Put your Steam API key here >"});
Here is an example of getting a players K/D
csStats.whatIsMyKD('76561198138999275', function(data){
console.log("Your K/D is: " + data);
Here is another example of getting a players Steam ID from their vanity URL
csStats.getMySteamID('xserv', function(data){
console.log("Your Steam ID is: " + data);
when creating a new instance of the class eg:
const cStat = new csgoStats();
You must pass through your Steam API key
- apikey - This is the key you will get for signing up for a to the Steam API (Its free to get it)
You can obtain one at https://steamcommunity.com/dev
you can pass through options such as:
- quiet - This will suppress any console.log() messages that the class makes. This can be set to 1 to suppress the messages.
- vanity - This allows just vanity URL's to be used instead of Steam ID's. To use this set vanity to true.
to set the options all you have to do is put a JSON object when creating the class instance
const cStat = new csgoStats({"quiet":"1", "vanity":"true", "apikey":"<Put your Steam API key here >"});
Available Commands
All of these functions take the Steam ID or Vanity URL if the option is set with the exception of getMySteamID which only takes a Vanity URL
- getStats - This by its-self will return all CS:GO related data eg: Kills with each weapon, MVP medals and Achievements.
- getProfile - Gets all data relating to a players profile eg: Profile name, Profile Image, Last Logon Time, Game ID (If the player is playing a game).
- getProfilePic - Uses the Data from getProfile and pulls your full size (184x184) profile image URL.
- whatIsMyKD - Basic function that calculates your CS:GO K/D to 2 dp (decimal Point).
- getMySteamID - Using a players vanity URL this functions will return the Steam ID.
- getMyBans - Get all bans from Steam eg: VAC Bans, Community Bans and Economy Bans.
- isVac - A simple function that takes the data from getMyBans and checks if the VACBanned key is true or false.
Built With
- Needle - A HTTP client for NodeJS
- KillerDucks - Initial work - KillerDucks
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details