A module that performs tasks using the Cisco Spark API
Cisco Spark API Integration
npm install --save csco-spark
Special Note
** This requires NodeJS version 4+ as it utilizes some ES2015 (ES6) features not found in other versions of Node.
Listing Rooms, Memberships, Webhooks, People, and Messages
When retrieving a Spark Users Rooms/Memberships, Webhooks, the Messages in a given Spark Room, and the Memberships in a room where you are the Member of, The Spark API uses Pagination to control the response time of a particular API Call.
In the Library I have implemented Pagination in the retrieval of these objects utilizing NodeJS EventEmitters.
var Spark = require('csco-spark');
var spark = Spark({
uri: '',
token: 'Spark Access Token'
// Getting Spark Rooms
var listRooms = spark.listItemEvt({
item: 'rooms',
max: '15' || undefined // Default = 50
// Listen for Rooms
listRooms.on('rooms', function(rooms) {
listRooms.on('rooms-end', function(rooms) {
// Yes I am sending Data on the End Event
// I believe most don't
Refer to the Examples Listings for utilizing the rest..
General Module Usage
If there are any examples you would like to see..just add an issue and I can get it posted for you...
var sparkFactory = require('csco-spark'),
var spark = sparkFactory({
uri: '',
token: 'token'
// Send a Message
text: 'message'
}).then((res) => {
/*Store the res data?*/
// Create a Spark Room
spark.createRoom({ title: 'title'}).then((res) => {
/*Store the res data?*/
// Delete a Room
spark.removeRoom(roomId).then((res) {
/* resp should be null */
// Add User To a Spark Room
roomId: 'id',
personEmail: '[email protected]' || null,
personId: 'spark personId' || null,
isModerator: true || false
}).then((resp) => {
/* handle response */
// Download Files from Spark Room
spark.dlFiles('uri of file location', 'optional token').then((resp) => {
* RESP is a List of Objects Consisting of the Below:
* [{fileName: `filename`, blob: `buffered contents of file`}]
* The buffered contents of the file is ready to be written to disk
* it is not human readable
// Get ALL Messages from a Spark Room
spark.getMessages({ roomId: 'spark roomId'}).then((messages) => {
* The LIB handles Pagination for You; it DLs 200 Messages at a time
* and adds them to a List. All the properties of the Messages object
* are untouched
// Get all the Rooms a Spark User is In
spark.getRooms().then((rooms) => {
* Like Messages, pagination is handled for you.
// Get Access/Refresh Token
// Authentication on Behalf of a User (Granting App Permissions)
// Refer to
code: 'code received from /authorize step1',
id: 'application clientId',
secret: 'application clientSecret',
redirectUri: 'application redirect_uri'
}).then((resp) => {
var authData = resp;
* {access_token: 'token', refresh_token: 'token', ...}