Route Planner on top of data published using Connections
Connection Scan Algorithm for JavaScript
basic csa without footpaths is functional
merger that combines different streams of connections is functional
The Connection Scan Algorithm (CSA) for Javascript takes a stream of "connections" and transforms it into a stream of solutions to get from a certain stop to a certain stop. The algorithm will find the earliest arrival times first, and will return alternatives as long as the stream runs.
Use it
You can install the library using npm:
npm install csa
And include it in your nodejs application
var csa = require('csa');
var planner = new csa.BasicCSA({departureStop: "...", arrivalStop: "...",departureTime:new Date()});
planner.on("result", function (result) {
console.log("Path found:",result);
planner.on("data", function (connection) {
//Access to a minimum spanning tree of connections being built up
//May be useful for e.g., creating isochrone maps
Multiple connection streams
Instead of using one stream of connections, you can combine multiple streams as input by using MergeStream
var connectionsStreams = [
[ 'stream1', connectionsReadStream1 ],
[ 'stream2', connectionsReadStream2 ],
var connectionsReadStream = new csa.MergeStream(connectionsStreams, query.departureTime);
You can add streams by setting an eventlistener on the MergeStream instance. To remove a stream, just end the stream itself.
connectionsReadStream.on("data", function (connection) {
connectionsReadStream.addConnectionsStream('newStream', newConnectionsReadStream);
Protip: you can use browserify on this repo to use CSA in the browser