Cryptoarena devtool CLI
Cryptoarena devtool
Cryptoarena devtool is a a cross-platform command line interface for managing developer apps and accounts.
All CLI commands are also available as an HTTP API
- API calls should be directed to
- All non-dev calls should include cookies setted by
headers (same cookie behaviour as browsers) - All non-login endpoints return a JSON object in the following form:
type ApiResult = {
status: "Success",
data: any
} | {
status: "Error",
errorMessage: string
Gets an access token
The access token is required for all CLI commands and expires in 1 day
The login command is splitted in two endpoints, the first one gets a temporary token used to verify the user OTP or 2FA, the second takes the 2FA code and returns the access tokens.
These are the only endpoints that return a Set-Cookie
POST `/api/AuthenticateUser`
type RequestBody = {
email: "your@email",
password: "your_password",
secure: true
type Response = {
// Token expiration date in ISO-8601
tokenExpiry: string;
twoFAMehtod: "GAuth" | "Email";
// Response includes Set-Cookie headers with temporary token
POST `/token`
// Request SHOULD include cookies from previous /api/AuthenticateUser call
// Note that /token endpoint needs a URLSearchParams formatted body
type RequestBodyURLSearchParams = {
grant_type: "password",
// OTP either from user email or Google 2FA
password: string,
secure: "true"
type Response = {
token_type: "bearer";
/**UNIX seconds expiration date */
expires_in: number;
// Response includes Set-Cookie headers with access tokens
// Now you can use any other endpoint
Upgrades your account to a developer account, enabling you to create apps and send payment requests
POST `/api/v2/Dev/Init`
type RequestBody = {
// Globally unique developer name
Name: string,
type Response = {
status: "Success"
Creates a new application that can hold a collection of API keys and send payment requests to users.
Initially no API keys are created, use the addApiKey
endpoint to create keys.
POST `/api/v2/Dev/Init`
type RequestBody = {
// Internal name used as identifier, unique per developer
// Should start with a letter and contain only letters, numbers and underscores
DevName: string,
// Name shown to end users, globally unique
FriendlyName: string,
type Response = {
status: "Success"
Returns all developer apps
GET `/api/v2/Dev/ListApps`
type Response = {
data: {
DevName: string,
FriendlyName: string
status: "Success"
Returns a list of API keys for an app
GET `/api/v2/Dev/ListApiKeys?AppDevName=${your_app_dev_name}`
type Response = {
data: {
// Your API key
Key: string,
Enabled: boolean
status: "Success"
Adds an enabled API key to an app, returns the newly added key and an unrecoverable password that you need to store securely. If you loose the password the API key will be unusable and you'll need to add another one.
POST `/api/v2/Dev/SwitchApiKey`
type RequestBody = {
// App developer name
DevName: string
type Response = {
data: {
// The new API key
Key: string,
// Unrecoverable password that you need to store
Password: string
status: "Success"
Change enable/disable state of an API key
POST `/api/v2/Dev/SwitchApiKey`
type RequestBody = {
Key: string,
Enabled: boolean
type Response = {
status: "Success"
Sends an app invitation to a user. For security reasons we don't report if the user exists.
If the invitation was already sent, an error is returned with the InviteId
enclosed in single quotes
POST `api/v2/Dev/SendInvite`
type RequestBody = {
// An enabled API key that identifies the app
ApiKey: string,
// A client side generated GUID
InviteId: string,
UserEmail: string
type Response = {
// The status is success even if the user doesn't exists
status: "Success"
userEmail='[email protected]'
curl "$host/api/v2/Dev/SendInvite" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"ApiKey": "'$apiKey'", "InviteId": "'$inviteId'", "UserEmail": "'$userEmail'"}'
Returns the user identifier only if the given invite is accepted, if not accepted or if the user doesn't exists, returns an error status
GET `api/v2/Dev/GetUserKey?ApiKey=${your_api_key}&InviteId=${your_invite_id}`
type Response = {
// User key
data: string,
status: "Success"
curl "$host/api/v2/Dev/GetUserKey?ApiKey=$apiKey&InviteId=$inviteId"
Sends a payment request to a user that has already approved the app invite.
The developer can retry payments by sending payments with the same DevId
Never retry payments for the same concept with different ids, since this can result in multiple charges to the user.
POST `/api/v2/Dev/SendPaymentRequest`
type RequestBody = {
// Payment id, a developer generated GUID
DevId: string,
ApiKey: string,
// Result from 'getUserKey'
UserKey: string,
Coin: string,
Amount: string,
// User friendly description, will be shown in the payment request notification
Description: string,
type Response = {
// User key
data: string,
// The status is success even if the user doesn't exists
status: "Success"
description="Gold skin"
curl "$host/api/v2/Dev/SendPaymentRequest" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"DevId": "'$paymentId'", "ApiKey": "'$apiKey'", "UserKey": "'$userKey'", "Coin": "'$coin'", "Amount": "'$amount'", "Description": "'$description'"}'
Returns the status of a payment:
Waiting for user input or timeout.Approved
The deposit is confirmed in dev account, the dev can now release any user purchase.Rejected
The user manually rejected the payment or the payment timeout has been reached.
The user has 5 minutes to approve a payment and 15 minutes to confirm it. Thus, the max finality time is 20 minutes
There will never be a Pending
payment with more than 20 minutes.
GET `api/v2/Dev/VerifyPaymentRequest?ApiKey=${your_api_key}&PaymentId=${your_payment_id}`
type Response = {
// User key
data: {
Status: "Pending"
} | {
Status: "Rejected",
// Reject reason for debugging purposes only, do not show this message to the user
Reason: string
} | {
Status: "Approved",
// TxnHash for the confirmed deposit in dev account
Confirmation: string
// The status is success even if the user doesn't exists
status: "Success"
curl "$host/api/v2/Dev/VerifyPaymentRequest?ApiKey=$apiKey&PaymentId=$paymentId"
Makes a withdrawal from your account to a user account, this withdrawal method skips email and 2FA confirmation, instead, relies on API password.
type RequestBody = {
// Dev provided unique GUID, can be used as a nonce for retrying without the risk of double spending
DevId: string;
// Your API key
ApiKey: string;
// Your API secret password
ApiSecret: string;
// The user key of the withdrawal beneficiary
UserKey: string;
// Coin to send
Coin: string;
// Amount to send
Amount: number;
// Short user facing description
Description: string;
type Response = {
// User key
data: string,
// The status is success even if the user doesn't exists
status: "Success"
curl "$host/api/v2/Dev/SendWithdrawal" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"DevId": "'$withdrawalId'", "ApiKey": "'$apiKey'", "ApiSecret": "'$apiSecret'", "UserKey": "'$userKey'", "Coin": "'$coin'", "Amount": "'$amount'", "Description": "'$description'"}' \
Returns a confirmation ID if the withdrawal was successfully deposited to the user or null if the withdrawal wasn't executed
curl "$host/api/v2/Dev/VerifyWithdrawal?ApiKey=$apiKey&WithdrawalId=$withdrawalId"