CryptoJS' PBKDF2 rollup as a stand-alone npm package. Managed by David Murdoch
crypto.js' PBKDF2 standalone implementation for npm.
Usage (based on Stack Exchange's PBKDF2 implementation):
var CryptoJS = require("crypto-PBKDF2");
var SALT_SIZE: 192/8;
var KEY_SIZE = 768/32;
* Convenience wrapper around CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.random to grab a new salt value.
* Treat this value as opaque, as it captures iterations.
* @param {number} explicitIterations An integer
* @return {string} Return iterations and salt together as one string ({hex-iterations}.{base64-salt})
function generateSalt(explicitIterations){
var defaultHashIterations = DEFAULT_HASH_ITERATIONS;
if(explicitIterations !== null && explicitIterations !== undefined){
// make sure explicitIterations is an integer
if( parseInt(explicitIterations, 10) === explicitIterations ){
throw new Error("explicitIterations must be an integer");
// and that it is smaller than our default hash iterations
if( explicitIterations < DEFAULT_HASH_ITERATIONS){
throw new Error("explicitIterations cannot be less than " + DEFAULT_HASH_ITERATIONS);
// get some random bytes
var bytes = CryptoJS.lib.WordArray.random(SALT_SIZE);
// convert iterations to Hexadecimal
var iterations = (explicitIterations || defaultHashIterations).toString(16);
// concat the iterations and random bytes together.
return iterations + "." + bytes.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);
function hashPassword( value, salt ){
var i = salt.indexOf(".");
var iters = parseInt(salt.substring(0, i), 16);
var key = CryptoJS.PBKDF2(value, salt, { "keySize": KEY_SIZE, "iterations": iters });
return key.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64);
function checkPassword(candidate, salt, hashed){
return hashPassword( candidate, salt ) === hashed;
/* Save BOTH the salt and the hashedPassword to your database so you can validate the password later */
var salt = generateSalt();
var hashedPassword = hashPassword( "password", salt );
var isPassword = checkPassword( "password", salt, hashedPassword ); // true