library that allows you to easily create tables with scroll pagination
createTable is a Vanilla Javascript library that allows you to easily create tables with scroll pagination
createTable is a function that accepts two parameters: $table and settings.
createTable($table, settings);
$table is your table element selector
settings is an object that accepts some properties such as:
load, onBeforeLoad, onAfterLoad, ordering, scrolling, printSelector and csvSelector
it should be something like this:
let settings = {
load: function,
onAfterLoad: function,
onBeforeLoad: function,
ordering: boolean,
scrolling: boolean,
printSelector: selector,
csvSelector: selector
Load is a required function that waits the resolve of a promise with the data to be insert to initiate.
When called it returns an object with some table parameters such as:
sortDirection: string,
sortField: string,
page: number,
start: number
function load(tableAttributes) {
return new Promise ((resolve, reject) => {
let reqexample;
$.Ajax(reqexample).then(data => {
sortingDirection will return a string and it can have "asc" or "desc" as it’s value
sortField will return the data-name attribute from the selector with the class .sorting_asc/.sorting_desc
It will return which page we are at, starts with value "1" and it's incremented by 1 each time we scroll
It will return the tr's length in the tbody
onBeforeLoad is a function for actions to be done before executing the load function.
when called, it returns a parameter Scroll. it has boolean value and indicate if the function call is being made by a scroll or not,
so you can differentiate which loader to call for example
function onBeforeLoad(scroll) {
**actions to be made before creating the table
onAfterLoad is a function for actions to be done after executing the load function.
when called, it returns a parameter Scroll. it has boolean value and indicate if the function call is being made by a scroll or not,
so you can differentiate which loader to call for example
function onBeforeLoad(scroll) {
**actions to be made after creating the table
ordering is a parameter with boolean value for telling if ordering in table header is necessary or not.
You can pass it or not, if not it won't do the logic for clicking and ordering by the table header clicked
scrolling is a parameter with boolean value for telling if you need a scroll pagination or not.
You can pass it or not, if not it won't do the logic for scrolling and loading for adding more/new information
printSelector and csvSelector
both accepts an html selector for adding the click events for exporting the table to csv or opening a new tab for printing it.
What do i have to have on my html?
All you need on your HTML file is a table with a table head and table body.
you can leave the table body empty, but you have to fill the table-head to indicate which column is which adding data-name attribute to each th element
<th data-name=""></th>
the data-name attribute should match the propertie received on your request, for example:
Request Response:
data: [
fruit-one: banana,
fruit-two: orange,
fruit-three: pear,
HTML file:
<th data-name="fruit-one">Fruit One</th>
<th data-name="fruit-two">Fruit Two</th>
<th data-name="fruit-three">Fruit Three</th>
This way createTable will know which item should be in which column.
What if i want to use table header ordering?
All you need to do is pass "true" as the value of the settings.ordering propertie and add which element should it start ordering.
You should add one of two classes, sorting_asc or sorting_desc to one of the table header
For example:
JS file:
settings.ordering = true;
HTML file:
<th data-name="fruit-one" class="sorting_asc">Fruit One</th>
<th data-name="fruit-two">Fruit Two</th>
<th data-name="fruit-three">Fruit Three</th>
All done, Have Fun!
Made by Ettore Marques Cimino and Victor Machado de França.