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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




iRobot Create 2 Open Interface for Node.js




Create2 Library

Node.js API for Controlling Roomba 600 Series & Create 2

Install with npm install create2, then include with create = require('create2')

Check it out on YouTube!

Library Functions:

  • create.ports(callback)

Lists all ports available on the computer. The only parameter to callback is an array of ports. If no ports were found, the array will be empty.

  • create.prompt(callback)

Shows a dialogue listing available ports and asks the user to select one, before automatically calling While in the dialogue, the user can quit the application by typing quit or exit.

  •, callback=null)

Opens the port to a robot object. An optional callback will be called when the robot is ready to receive commands. The callback's parameter will be the new Robot object.

Optionally, the port argument can be Duplex node stream instead of a port, allowing you to use a custom library to communicate with the robot. If you need the Roomba's default serial settings, use the macro create.serial, which is initialized to {baudRate:115200, dataBits:8, parity:'none', stopBits:1, flowControl:0}

  • create.debug and create.inputMode

These variables control the library's debugging mode. More info is available in the test.js example.

Robot Control Functions:

For all functions with parameters, setting any parameter to null will use it's previous or default value. The variables that store these previous values are also accessible, and are listed next to each function. Furthermore, calling a function without supplying any parameters will re-send the command.

Status Control:

  • robot.reset() Hard-resets the robot, as if the battery had been removed and replaced.
  • robot.start() Starts communication or sets the mode back to PASSIVE. This command is called for you automatically in
  • robot.stop() Stops communication with the robot. You'll have to send a start again to resume communication.
  • Sets the mode to SAFE. You have complete control of the robot unless a safety sensor is triggered.
  • robot.full() Sets the mode to FULL. You have complete control of the robot even if safety sensors are triggered.
  • robot.power() This command powers down the Roomba, however it does not close the serial connection.
  • robot.close() Close the serial connection to the robot. It is recommended to put the robot back in PASSIVE mode first.

Note: SAFE mode is identical to FULL mode, with the exception that if a safety sensor (such as a cliff sensor) is triggered, the robot reverts back to PASSIVE mode.

Passive Mode:

  • robot.clean() Initiates a cleaning cycle, as if the clean button was pressed.
  • robot.max() Initiates a max cleaning cycle, cleaning forever until the battery dies.
  • Initiates a spot cleaning cycle, as if the spot button was pressed.
  • robot.autoDock() Initiates automatic charger docking, as if the dock button was pressed.

Note: If any of these functions are called while the robot is not in PASSIVE mode, they will set the robot to PASSIVE mode automatically. Furthermore, they can be canceled by taking the robot out of PASSIVE mode.

Motor Control:

  •, radius) - Value Storage: robot.motorVel, robot.motorRad

Drives at velocity (-500 to 500, mm/s) with the given radius (-2000 to 2000, mm), measured from the center of the turning circle to the center of the robot. This means that a smaller radius will make Roomba turn more. -1 will make Roomba turn-in-place to the left, while 1 will make Roomba turn-in-place to the right. A value of 32767 or 32768 will make Roomba drive straight.

  • robot.driveSpeed(left, right) - Value Storage: robot.motorLs, robot.motorRs

Drives each motor at requested velocity (-500 to 500, mm/s).

  • robot.drivePower(left, right) - Value Storage: robot.motorL, robot.motorR

Drives motors at requested power level (-255 to 255, PWM). This command drives the motors at a constant power instead of a constant speed. This means that the exact speed you're traveling could vary slightly depending on battery level and robot payload. If exact speed is not important, it's better to use this command.

  • robot.setMotor(motor, power) - Value Storage: robot.motorBrush, robot.motorSide, robot.motorBin

Sets the power (-255 to 255, PWM) of the desired motor.

Here are the available motors on the Create 2:

| IDs | Motor Description | |:-------:|-------------------------------------| | 'brush' | Main Brush | | 'side' | Side Brush | | 'bin' | Dust Bin Vacuum (can't be reversed) |

Lights & Sounds:

  • robot.setLeds(spot, dock, error, dirt, cleanColor, cleanIntensity) - Value Storage: robot.spotLed, robot.dockLed, robot.errorLed, robot.spotLed, robot.dockLed, robot.dirtLed, robot.cleanClr, robot.cleanInt

Controls the Roomba's various face LEDs. On the Create 2, the error led is a red exclamation point (!), the dirt led is a blue dot, and the button LEDs (spot and dock) are green. The clean button has a bicolor (red/green) LED, which is controlled with cleanColor (0 to 255, Green to Red) and cleanIntensity (0 to 255, Brightness). All other LEDs can only be turned on and off (true or false).

  • robot.setFaceLeds(sun, mon, tue, wed, thr, fri, sat, am, pm, colon) - Value Storage: robot.mon, robot.tue, etc...

Sets the display's day-of-the-week, AM, PM, and colon LEDs (all red). LEDs can only be turned on and off (true or false).

  • robot.showText(text, interval, scrollIn=false, complete=null) - Value Storage: TBD

Scroll any length of text across Roomba's 7-segment display, which can only show 4 characters at a time. Interval controls the delay, in milliseconds, between updates. Text and interval are required parameters.

If scrollIn is true, the text scrolls in and out until only the last character is visible.

For example, since the message length matches the length of the display, the following will show 'abcd' for 500ms then disappear: robot.showText("abcd", 500)

But setting scrollIn to true will make the message scroll fully in and out before disappearing: robot.showText("abcd", 500, true)

The optional complete callback is called when the text finishes scrolling, and has no parameters. Note that due to the nature of 7-segment displays, not all characters will display well. Characters are not case-sensitive.

  • robot.setDigitsRaw(d1, d2, d3, d4) - Value Storage: robot.d1, robot.d2, robot.d3, robot.d4

Allows you to control the individual segments of Roomba's display. Each parameter is an array of 7 bits (EX. [false,true,true,false,true,true,false]), each of which represents a segment of the display as shown in this table:

| | A | | |:-:|:-:|:-:| | F | | B | | | G | | | E | | C | | | D | |

  • robot.setSong(id, notes) - Value Storage: N/A

Sets a song in the robot's memory with the given ID (0 to 4, Song ID) to be played later. Notes must be an array of the format: [[note, duration],[note, duration],etc...]

Each note is represented by it's MIDI note number (31 to 127, MIDI Note) and a duration (0 to 255, 1/64s). The maximum length of a song is 16 notes.

For example, the following will play C, E, G, then C again, holding each note for a 1/2 second:

robot.setSong(0, [[72,32], [76,32], [79,32], [72,32]]);;

  • - Value Storage:

Plays a song with the given song id.


  • robot.readEnable The loop that reads and processes input from the robot's sensors can be disabled by setting this variable to false, saving resources and processing overhead. Note that disabling the read loop prevents all input from the robot from being updated.
  • robot.write(data) Allows you to write various types of data, including bytes, byte arrays, and ASCII strings, directly to the robot's serial port. Note that sending mal-formatted OI commands can corrupt the serial stream.

Robot Sensors:

There are several different ways for your code to respond to input from the robot. The best one to use varies depending on the application. The most common method is the onChange callback.


This callback is called whenever any input from the robot changes. It's only parameter, changed, is an object containing properties with the names of any sensor values that have changed. The values of theses properties are not important, and are always true, regardless of the actual value of the sensor. This allows you to do the following:

Now, here's where the real magic happens. This object contains up-to-date values of all available sensors, and can be read synchronously at any time. It's updated just before callbacks are called, so you can get current sensor values inside any callback.


This is an empty object that you can populate with callbacks. Each callback is called only when the value of it's sensor changes. The name of the callback determines what sensor it reacts to. These callbacks should have one parameter, value, which contains the current value of the sensor. Going back to our left bumper example:


This callback, which has no parameters, is for special sensors that output data differently. The values of these sensors is usually 0, but when action happens, they momentarily change to a positive or negative number, representing the relative change in value. Because of this, we call them delta properties. Delta properties need a different callback because when their value isn't 0, it represents change, even if the sensor's output hasn't changed since the last frame. Here's a simple example of how to keep track of a delta value:

Similar to, but contains the current values of delta properties.

List Of Sensors:

Bump & Wheel Drop

  • bool bumpLeft
  • bool bumpRight
  • bool dropLeft
  • bool dropRight

Cliff Sensors

  • bool cliffLeft
  • bool cliffFrontLeft
  • bool cliffFrontRight
  • bool cliffRight
Analog Signal (0-4095)
  • uint16 cliffLeftRaw
  • uint16 cliffFrontLeftRaw
  • uint16 cliffFrontRightRaw
  • uint16 cliffRightRaw

IR Proximity Sensors

  • byte irBump (Full sensor array data)
  • bool irBumpLeft
  • bool irBumpFrontLeft
  • bool irBumpCenterLeft
  • bool irBumpCenterRight
  • bool irBumpFrontRight
  • bool irBumpRight
Analog Signal (0-4095)
  • uint16 proxLeft
  • uint16 proxFrontLeft
  • uint16 proxCenterLeft
  • uint16 proxCenterRight
  • uint16 proxFrontRight
  • uint16 proxRight

Other Sensors

  • bool casterMotion
  • bool wall (Maybe for side brush?)
  • bool virtualWall (Needs testing)
  • uint16 wallRaw (Usually from 0 to 150?)
  • byte airQuality (Dirt sensor, normally 0)


  • bool clean
  • bool spot
  • bool dock
  • bool day
  • bool hour
  • bool minute
  • bool schedule (Not working)
  • bool clock (Not working)

Wheel Encoders

Encoder Clicks, 0-65535 (Overflows in both directions)
  • uint16 encoderLeft
  • uint16 encoderRight

Motor Current

  • int16 currentLeft
  • int16 currentRight
  • int16 currentBrush
  • int16 currentSide


  • bool overloadBrush
  • bool overloadSide
  • bool overloadLeft
  • bool overloadRight

IR Receivers

Uses proprietary protocol (0 when no IR signal)
  • byte irOmni
  • byte irLeft
  • byte irRight


  • byte songNumber
  • bool playing

Power Source

Indicates available power sources, not charging status.
  • bool charger
  • bool docked


  • byte chargeState (0-5, see table)
  • uint16 voltage (mV, usually ~15000)
  • int16 current (mA, usually ~-200)
  • int8 temperature (°C)
  • uint16 charge (mAh)
  • uint16 maxCharge (mAh, should be ~2600)

| # | Charge State | |:-:|:-:| | 0 | Not charging | | 1 | Reconditioning Charging | | 2 | Full charging | | 3 | Trickle charging | | 4 | Waiting | | 5 | Charging Fault Condition |

Open Interface Mode

  • byte mode (0-3, see table)

| # | OI Mode | |:-:|:-:| | 0 | Off | | 1 | Passive | | 2 | Safe | | 3 | Full |


To use examples, move them to an empty folder and install create2 and chalk to ./node_modules.

  • test.js Allows you to send commands to the robot from your terminal.
  • dock.js Example of sensor reading and autonomous control of Roomba.
  • You can see dock.js in action on YouTube.