Sometimes, you want to download MP3 from Youtube video. I made this app for fun... downloading Youtube video audio only, then convert it to MP3 format. All mp3 files will be stored in mp3 directory under home directory. Mostly I used vanilla js and some n
Sometimes, you want to download MP3 from Youtube video. I made this app for fun... downloading Youtube video audio only, then convert it to MP3 format. All mp3 files will be stored in mp3 directory under home directory. Mostly I used vanilla js and some npm packages (i.e. youtube dl). It also has mp3 player!
This will download dmg file for you. After yarn create youtubemp3
, run dmg file to install!
How to use
Simply put Youtube url and hit download icon!
MP3 Player
Very simple player. Refresh icon will load all mp3 files under mp3 directory. Play style icon will change to 3 different styles (random, repeat one song, loop in order).