npm package discovery and stats viewer.

Discover Tips

  • General search

    [free text search, go nuts!]

  • Package details


  • User packages



Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Jump-start your development on VeChain with our pre-built templates that come with pre-configured tools, best practices, and comprehensive documentation to help you start building right away.




Create VeChain Dapp 🚀

This is your one-stop solution for kickstarting development on the Vechain blockchain. Whether you're building a complex X2Earn application, a simple decentralized app, or just working on smart contracts, we've got you covered with our carefully crafted templates. Each template comes with pre-configured tools, best practices, and comprehensive documentation to help you start building right away.

Usage 📦

npm create vechain-dapp


yarn create vechain-dapp


npx create-vechain-dapp@latest

Available Templates 📚

X2Earn Template 💰

A comprehensive monorepo setup using Turbo with:

  • React frontend ⚛️
  • Express.js backend 🚀
  • Hardhat for smart contract development 🔨
  • Advanced features including ChatGPT image recognition 🖼️
  • VeBetterDAO contract interactions 🤝
  • Complete X2Earn application infrastructure

Perfect for building sophisticated X2Earn applications on VeChain.

Simple Dapp Template 🛠️

A streamlined monorepo setup using Turbo with:

  • React frontend ⚛️
  • Hardhat for smart contract development 🔨
  • Basic Dapp infrastructure

Ideal for developers starting new projects on VeChain from scratch.

Smart Contract Template 📜

A focused template for smart contract development:

  • Hardhat development environment 🔨
  • Contract deployment tools 🚀
  • Testing infrastructure 🧪

Best suited for developers focusing solely on smart contract development without frontend requirements.

Each template includes detailed documentation and setup instructions in its respective directory.

Contributing New Templates 🤝

Want to add your own template? Follow these steps:

  1. Create a public repository with your template

  2. Fork this repository and create a Pull Request with the following changes:

    a. Add your repository to scripts/

      // ... existing repos ...
      " your-template-name"

    b. Add your template details to index.js:

    const templates = [
      // ... existing templates ...
        value: "your-template-name",
        title: "Your Template Title",
        description: "A brief description of your template 🚀",
  3. Submit your PR with a description of your template and its use cases

For Repository Maintainers 🔧

After merging template PRs, follow these steps to publish the changes:

  1. Increment the version in package.json:

  2. Run npm link to test the package locally

  3. Run scripts/ to update the templates

  4. Run npm publish to publish the new version to npm registry

Note: Make sure you have the necessary npm permissions to publish the package.

License 📄

This project is licensed under the MIT License.