Library for creating safe Type Guards
Create Type Guard
Simple package for creating type-safe type guards for TypeScript.
What problem is being solved?
interface Person {
age: number;
name: string;
function isPerson(data: unknown): data is Person {
return typeof data === 'object' && data &&, 'name');
// Oooops, you forgot to check if the `age` property does exist in `data`.
// Oooops, you forgot to check the type of the `name` property. Is it a string? Is it a number?
// Oooops, you forgot to check the type of the `age` property. Is it a string? Is it a number?
// With create-typeguard this won't happen.
How does it work?
This package creates type-safe type guards from a parsers, because parsers will warn us if we make a mistake!
import { createTypeGuard, hasProperties } from "create-typeguard";
interface Person {
age: number;
name: string;
// Our parser function that is type-safe
function parsePerson(data: unknown): Person | null {
if (typeof data === 'object' && data && hasProperties(data, 'name', 'age')) {
const { name, age } = data;
if (typeof name === 'string' && typeof age === 'number') {
return { name, age };
return null;
// This is now a type-safe typeguard for Person!
const isPerson = createTypeGuard(parsePerson);
const maybePerson: unknown = response.body;
if (isPerson(maybePerson)) {
// maybePerson is Person
console.log(`${} is ${maybePerson.age} years old.`);
Usage 2 - Without defining a separate parse function
import { createTypeGuard, hasProperties } from "create-typeguard";
interface Person {
age: number;
name: string;
// You do not have to create a separate parse function.
const isPerson = createTypeGuard<Person>(data => {
if (typeof data === 'object' && data && hasProperties(data, 'name', 'age')) {
const { name, age } = data;
if (typeof name === 'string' && typeof age === 'number') {
return { name, age };
return null;
const maybePerson: unknown = response.body;
if (isPerson(maybePerson)) {
// maybePerson is Person
console.log(`${} is ${maybePerson.age} years old.`);
Why create-typeguard?
Read more at this blog post