A cli tool to quickly setup a sveltekit app
🍳 Easy create new production ready sveltekit projects
😼 Just run and follow the prompts:
npm create sveltekit-starterpack@latest
📦 Install dependencies and run:
cd my-project
npm install
npm run dev
🚀 These packages/components are included by default:
- Typescript
- Prettier
- Eslint
- Playwright
- Vitest
- Some icons (loading, external link)
- GNU General Public License file
- Citation file
🫵 These packages are optional (choose them during the prompts):
- TailwindCSS
- with postcss, autoprefixer and prettier setup
- includes the forms and typography plugins
- adds a Button and LinkButton component
- OpenAI
- adds the OpenAI package
- adds an openai.ts in src/lib file to configure the OpenAI API
- sets up an example server POST endpoint at /api/openai
- adds a .env.example file with the required environment variable (just add your API key)
- AuthJS (wip)
- Prisma (wip)
- EthersJS (wip)
- @solana/web3.js (wip)
🙋 Questions & Suggestions
You have any questions, bugs or suggestions? Feel free to open a issue on Github or contact me on twitter.