Create a SvelteKit web application with prisma, tailwindcss and more configured.
Welcome to create-sveltek-app!
A simple CLI tool for generating opinionated SvelteKit apps with your favourite apps already configured.
🔥 Features 🔥
- TypeScript - Type-safe code
- Tailwind CSS - Style your app with ease
- Prisma - Ensuring your databases are primed and ready
- mdsvex - Markdown meets Svelte
- Auth.js - Secure your apps, because safety is cool
- Playwright - Reliable end-to-end testing made easy
- Vitest - Vite centered testing framework
- Eslint - Keep that code clean and error-free
- Prettier - And keep it styled
- ... and more!
It also supports a variety of databases including PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, MongoDB, and CockroachDB.
⚡ Getting Started ⚡
With npm:
npm create sveltekit-app@latest
With yarn:
yarn create sveltekit-app
With pnpm:
pnpm create sveltekit-app
And that's it! Just follow the interactive prompts to select your options, including your favourites like Tailwind CSS, Prisma, mdsvex, and more.
- Generate a SvelteKit app with TypeScript: streamline your workflow and focus on what matters most!
- Flexibly add Tailwind CSS, Prisma, mdsvex, Auth.js, and more: the power is in your hands!
- Interactive prompts for customizing your app: tailor-make your creation to suit your vision!
was inspired by create-t3-app
and builds upon some of its code. A big thanks to the open-source community!
Stay tuned for further enhancements and happy coding with create-sveltek-app