Boiler plate for creating a play within reactplay system
Create React Play
Welcome to
A package to generate boilerplate files for creating a play withing your local system. Another idea of this package to create a backbone structure for running all sort of maintenance and house keeping task.
Command Line Options
Here are few options
- -h/help: Show all available arguments and flags
- -c/create: Creates a play boilerplate within local directory structure
- -u/update: Update an exsiting play
- -p/prepare: Prepre an environment for build/run
How it works
Example: Create a play
Fork reactplay
Clone your branch
Install packages using
yarn #or npm install
run reactplay application using
yarn start #or npm start
Hit "Create" button on web portal
Provide necessary information
Submit your play request
It will generate an unique id for you
Navigate to root directory of your local reactplay repo and run
npx create-react-play -c <the_unique_id>
This will create necessary resources and link them together.
Note: If the play folder
remain empty after running above command that means you might be in some older version of the package. Use@latest
in that casenpx create-react-play@latest -c <the_unique_id>
Now you will find your play under
Now its all with you, create an awesome play and flaunt it infront of the globe
Create a pull request when you are done
Example: Prepare environemnt
npx create-react-play@latest -p