npx create-react-azimuth-app my-app cd my-app yarn install yarn dev:local <br>
Quick Start
npx create-react-azimuth-app my-app
cd my-app
yarn install
yarn dev:local
if using npm instead of yarn, you may need to do "npm install --legacy-peer-deps".
React + TypeScript + Vite
This is a template for creating web apps using Azimuth login.
It can be launched using mainnet, sepolia, or local testnet.
When using mainnet or sepolia, you'll need to enter your Infura ID in the .env file (VITE_REACT_APP_INFURA_API).
Make sure to switch your Metamask network to whichever one you launch the app with (mainnet, sepolia, local).
Works with L1 points only, no L2.
use "yarn dev:mainnet"
Local Testnet
use "yarn dev:local"
This will deploy the contracts and populate the following ethereum address with some azimuth points for you to use and 1000 ETH.
WALLET ADDRESS: 0x6DEfFb0caFDB11D175F123F6891AA64F01c24F7d
PRIVATE KEY: a44de2416ee6beb2f323fab48b432925c9785808d33a6ca6d7ba00b45e9370c3
(Obviously, only use this address for testing!!)
This address can then be imported into Metamask using "Add Account or Hardware Wallet" -> "Import Account".
To add the local testnet network to Metamask (if it's not already there) go to Settings -> Networks:
(Note that the testnet should be running in your terminal when you go to add this to Metamask, otherwise it might show an error saying that your RPC URL isn't correct)
Network Name: Local Testnet
Chain ID: 1337
Currency Symbol: ETH
use "yarn dev:sepolia"
The Ethereum address listed above in "Local Testnet" also contains some Sepolia Azimuth points. Contact ~rolryx for more.