This is a template set up to create Next.js App with fast speed and high performance<br/> The current template is provided in a **page routing** structure.<br/>
Create Next Speed Template
This is a template set up to create Next.js App with fast speed and high performance The current template is provided in a page routing structure.
🇰🇷 : 한국어 문서로 내용보기
Demo URL: This Click☝🏻 Please
Getting Started
npx create-next-speed-template my-app
cd my-app
yarn run dev
Use Important Library
- langauage : Typescript
- State : Recoil
- Asynchronous State : TanStack Query v5
- Api : Axios
- Style(Css) : Emotion/react
- Authentication : NextAuth
- Bundler Doctor : bundle-analyzer
- SVG : @svgr/webpack
This template is set to Yarn Berry - Plug'n Play. We recommend that you use the template through the Yarn command 🙏🏻
⚙️ Yarn Berry Plug'n Play (PnP) enabled or disabled
yarn npm : .yarnrc.yml => nodeLinker: node-modules yarn pnp : .yarnrc.yml => nodeLinker: pnp
✅ Essential : Set up yarn berry
npm install -g yarn
yarn set version berry
yarn install
✔️ Optional : In Case of Type or Prettier Issue
Install Plug-In : ZipFS - a zip file system
yarn dlx @yarnpkg/sdks vscode
yarn add --dev --exact prettier
✔️ Optional : In the event of an Issue after the Yarn Run Build Command
yarn add @babel/runtime --dev
yarn cache clean
yarn set version berry
yarn install
Design Systems (Widgets)
🔎 Look Design Systems ☝🏻
🗂️ Root : src > _ui
Check out the finished design system widgets
I'll be responsible for your UI experience and work efficiency
🔥 Design UI widgets will be updated and added continuously in the future
🗂️ Root : src > lib > themes
🔥 Each style element that helps you complete the ui quickly
- colors : collection of sensuous design colors
- fontSize: Each font size is provided in rem form
- media : mediaQuery in which the screen ratio of each device can be used immediately in CSS
- styleSheet: StyleSheet that can apply fast class and motion css
🗂️ Root : src > lib > utils
🔥 Various Util functions to help develop the front
enum : a collection for managing pre-set keys and values in enum form
regEx : ex) <<Collection of frequently used regular expressions available immediately
Custom Hooks
🔎 Look Custom Hooks ☝🏻
🗂️ Root : src > lib > hooks
🔥 It's a collection of custom hooks that help you develop
Custom hooks will be constantly updated!
How to optimize SEO and Generate Sitemap
🔎 Look Create a Sitemap Method ☝🏻
I'll tell you how to optimize and set up SEO, and how to generate and set dynamic and static site maps
🔥 It's a very important part of website development, so I recommend you take care of it!
🙏🏻 Pre-Deployment Precautions
Make sure to check the contents below before deployment before building
Modify the contents related to each seo and sitemap to suit the service
Modify and check the next-sitemap.config.js to suit the service
Modify and check the next.seo.config.js to suit the service
Modify the app content related to PWA in public > manifest.json
(Optional) You can create rss in page > api > rss.ts > modify the content
✅ yarn run build or npm run build >> Sitemap is live and distributed to the public