This is a CLI tool that initializes a new Nextjs app with TypeScript, TailwindCSS, RainbowKit, wagmi, viem and a Foundry project for testing and deploying smart contracts. It is configured to work out of the box with the Morph Sepolia Testnet. This means
This is a CLI tool that initializes a new Nextjs app with TypeScript, TailwindCSS, RainbowKit, wagmi, viem and a Foundry project for testing and deploying smart contracts. It is configured to work out of the box with the Morph Sepolia Testnet. This means that you can seamlessly integrate Morph with your front-end and deploy smart contracts to it using Foundry :)
npx create-morph-app
"Secret" Page
There is a not-so-secret page that helps you directly interact with a contract already deployed on Morph Sepolia. This page also has a "Local" option which you can switch to for testing your smart contracts locally.
More details
The README file present in the starter app is much more comprehensive and can help you get developing in no time. It has information about both Foundry and the integration of contracts with Nextjs. Make sure to give it a read!
Bugs? Suggestions?
If you notice any bugs in the starter repo or have suggestions for it, feel free to create pull requests / issues here
If you have other issues or just want to connect with me, please use this link