Enhance create-graphql-server with Relay Connections for Cursor-based Pagination
Build Relay like connections for cursor based pagination.
TODO: First prototype. Didn't do thoroughly testing so far.
For array-like fields, you can generate a connection with forward and backward pagination, using first, last, before, after. The pagination starts after applying e.g. filters and orderBys on the remaining document result set.
It implements the algorithm of the Relay connection specification.
Its generator is triggered only, if there is a directive on header level. If the directive appears, all paginated fields will get cursor-based connections.
@paginate(by: "cursor")
If you want to have the "simple" pagination for a type instead, use the following or don't enter the paginate directive.
@paginate(by: "simple")
You can also combine both, meaning all paginated fields will be added to the schema as "simple" paginated fields, but also as a duplicate named as Connection. The latter one will be added as "cursor" based paginated field. Use one of the following alternatives therefore:
@paginate(by: "both")
@paginate(by: ["simple", "cursor"])
You build a GraphQL server with the npm package "create-graphql-server", which serves as a backend generator to web applications. This "create-graphql-server" generates schemas, resolvers and models for an express-js server.
This package enhances the generator to build additional pagination arguments and required resolvers.
It provides the following additional arguments:
- "first" "after"
- "last" "before"
Forward Pagination
Forward Pagination returns edges (documents), which are coming after the cursor (which is a document's createdAt in our case). It returns at most a number of edges.
The arguments:
- first: takes a non-negative integer
- after: takes the cursor type
Backward Pagination
Backward Pagination returns edges (documents), which are coming before the cursor . It returns at most a number of edges.
The arguments:
- last: takes a non-negative integer
- before: takes the cursor type
Adjust schema
In create-graphql-server go to "generate/schema/index".
Add the following code. The import at the beginning the rest at the end of the file.
import { enhanceSchemaWithConnections } from 'create-graphql-server-connections'; // <=== here
const outputSchema = enhanceSchemaWithConnections(outputSchema); // <=== here
return outputSchema;
Adjust model
In create-graphql-server go to "generate/model/index".
Adjust the following code.
import { templates } from 'create-graphql-server-connections'; // <=== here
export function generateModelAst(inputSchema) {
// the last template path, determines the start template: type/default
// the last path has the highest priority and may overwrite
// partial templates, if they have equal names
const templateCode = getCode(MODEL, {
templatePaths: [
templates.model, // <=== here
[modulePath, 'templates', 'model', 'auth'],
[__dirname, 'templates'],
Adjust getContext
In create-graphql-server go to "generate/util/getContext.js"
import { getPaginationContext } from 'create-graphql-server-connections'; // <=== here
// this is the returned data context for the later template processing
return {
...getPaginationContext(inputSchema) // <=== here
Adjust type resolvers
In create-graphql-server go to "generate/resolvers/index".
Adjust the following code.
import { templates } from 'create-graphql-server-connections'; // <=== here
export function generateModelAst(inputSchema) {
// the last template path, determines the start template: type/default
// the last path has the highest priority and may overwrite
// partial templates, if they have equal names
const templateCode = getCode(MODEL, {
templatePaths: [
templates.resolvers, // <=== here
[modulePath, 'templates', 'model', 'auth'],
[__dirname, 'templates'],
Adjust default schema
In create-graphql-server go to "skel/schema/index.js".
Adjust the following code:
import path from 'path'; // <=== here
import { templates } from 'create-graphql-server-connections'; // <=== here
typeDefs.push(requireGraphQL( // <=== here
path.join(...templates.schema, 'common', 'requiredTypes.graphql') // <=== here
)); // <=== here
export default typeDefs;
Do the same again in "test/output-app/schema/index.js"
Adjust resolver templates
In create-graphql-server go to "generate/resolvers/templates/default"
Change "default_default" template, to this:
/* eslint-disable prettier */
/* eslint comma-dangle: [2, "only-multiline"] */
const resolvers = {
{{> connectionTypes}} // <=== here
{{TypeName}}: {
id({{typeName}}) {
return {{typeName}}._id;
{{#each singularFields}}
{{> defaultSingularField }}
{{> connectionPaginatedFields}} // <=== here
Query: {
{{typeName}}s(root, args, { {{TypeName}}, me }) {
return {{TypeName}}.find(args, me, '{{typeName}}s');
{{typeName}}(root, { id }, { {{TypeName}}, me }) {
return {{TypeName}}.findOneById(id, me, '{{typeName}}');
Please add these to referenced partial templates "connectionTypes" and "connectionPaginatedFields" to the resolver. These two partials are coming from this npm module.
If you have create-graphql-server-authorization installed as well, do the same adjustments with your template "authorize_default".
Adjust model templates
In create-graphql-server go to "generate/model/templates"
Do the same for all templates:
- default/default_default.template
- user/default_user.template
If you have "create-graphql-server-authorization" implemented, do it also for
- authorize_default.template
- authorize_user.template
Change "default/default_default.template" template. Replace all three lines:
{{#each paginatedFields }}
{{> defaultPaginatedField }}
by this:
{{> connectionPaginatedFields}}
Add default resolver for pageInfo
In create-graphql-server go to "skel/resolvers/index.js". We have to add it here, as it is valid for all generated types, but we can add it only once.
Adjust the code...
import { resolvers } from 'create-graphql-server-connections'; // <=== here
merge(resolvers, resolvers.pageInfo); // <=== here
export default resolvers;
Do the same in "test/output-app/resolvers/index.js"
Add paginate to the server context
In create-graphql-server go to "skel/server/index.js".
import { paginate } from 'create-graphql-server-connections'; // <=== here
app.use('/graphql', (req, res, next) => {
passport.authenticate('jwt', { session: false }, (err, me) => {
req.context = addModelsToContext({
db, pubsub, me, UserCollection, findByIds, log, prepareQueries, paginate // <=== here
graphqlExpress(() => {
Do the same in "test/output-app/server/index.js".
Add to the "skel/package.json" the following entry:
"create-graphql-server-connections": "^0.0.4",
### Finally
If you are having troubles somewhere, have a look into the running example at:
[tobkle/create-graphql-server branch: Relay-Pagination](
## Documentation
[API Documentation](
## Tests
yarn test
In lieu of a formal style guide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code.