boiler plate for a npm package hosted in github using typescript and other tools for better CI/CD
This package will help you to create a boiler plate for creating a new npm package and be hosted into github, with some utils added and CI/CD using github workflows
Utils included and configured:
- Github Workflows:
- (unit testing on PR into develop and master branch)
- Auto publishing your package when merging into master
- Typescript
- Jest
- Husky
- Prettier
- ESLint
- Standard-version
Start by creating a new repository and add a repository secret (under the repository settings) with the name of GH_PACKAGE_TOKEN the token that you put there needs to have access to read/write packages. (if you don't have a token yet, you can create one on )
once your repo is ready clone it into your local computer. then in the root of your empty project run:
npx create-github-package
this will start a wizard of 2 questions it'll ask you for your username or your organization name. It needs to be the same where your repo is hosted.
your package name needs to be all lower case (if you need spaces use dash), if you have upper cases you might encounter errors when publishing.
The script will then install some dependencies, this can take some minutes depending on your internet connection.
once is done, you can start codding!
Conventional commits
In order for standard release work the best, you need to use conventional commits. I recommend to use Commitizen, but this is up to you.
Your first release
for your first release you can work on the master branch, and when you are ready run
npm run release -- --first-release
then push your branch as follow:
git push --follow-tags origin master
this should trigger an automated publishing of your package!
After your first release
You need to create a develop branch from master and push it.
And branch-out develop for every new change you want to do. and create PR into develop when creating the PR to develop, github actions will run unit test. you should not merge it to develop unless all test have passed.
(tip you can lock the branch until this happen, under the repository settings / branches )
ready for next release
for the next steps you can keep working on develop or create a release branch and merge develop into release.
Before you deploy you need to run
npm run release
This will bump your package.json package.lock.json and create a git tag and if you have conventional commits it will create a changelog for you.
once that's done you need to push it with --follow-tags for example:
git push --follow-tags origin develop
git push --follow-tags origin release
After this create a PR to master. this will again trigger unit testing once is ready, you can merge into master and this will create a new version of your package.
Using your package in an external project
the new project needs to have a .npmrc file in the root folder with:
replace <<your-user-name>> with your user name or your organization and <<READ_ONLY_TOKEN>> with a new token with read-only for packages (if you don't want to store this in the repo, you can use environment variables)