Create a docker release and push it to a registry
Create Docker Registry Release
A simple utility to tag and push a docker image to a private registry.
To install the npm run
npm install -g create-docker-release
Then to setup the registry
create-docker-release setup --registry <REGISTRY URL>
then to create a latest release run
create-docker-release release --image <IMAGE NAME>
[!IMPORTANT] The first time this is run a version.json file will be created in the current directory, and maintained for each subsequent release
[!IMPORTANT] when running release withough any --version or --type specified the version will be tagged as latest and will increment the version file with +0.001
To release a specific version (and update the version file to that version)
create-docker-release releare --image <IMAGE NAME> --version <VERSION NUMBER AS FLOAT>
To release a minor or major version
create-docker-release releare --image <IMAGE NAME> --type <minor, major or latest>
[!IMPORTANT] when releasing a minor version it is incremented by +0.01 and a major version increments with +1.0