Initialize new django project
npm init django
./django-admin startproject
in a virtualenv with the single command.
Unlike other cookiecutter templates which create thousands of files even in the default case, this project aims to provide a bare-minimum project template, with only the required code
The command started without any options, produce the same output as Django startproject
To use full-power of this package npm and poetry tools need to be installed.
Typical usage
Get initial Django project with Poetry managed virtual environment.
$ npm init django <project-name> [directory] -- --poetry
$ poetry install
$ poetry shell
$ ./ migrate
$ ./ runserver
Enables uvicorn based deployment
First-step with Django Celery configuration
Settings changed to use Redis as the Celery broker.
A celery worker could be started with the command:
$ celery -A <project-name> worker -l info
200+ lines single file ansible script to deploy to any Ubuntu-based VM. That's less than any deployment tutorial you can read about.
Compatible with many hosting solutions - DigitalOcean, Linode, Vultr, etc
- HTTP2/HTTPS with Letsencrypt certificates and Caddy server
- Systemd init scripts
- Postgresql fast connected over Unix socket.
- django-environ managed settings
- ASGI/Redis/Celery enabled if requested
# Initial server provision
$ ansible-playbook -i, -u root --ask-vault-pass deploy.yml
# Refresh existing installation (without .env changes)
$ ansible-playbook -i, -u root --tags=update deploy.yml
The password to manage deployment secrets. If no option is provided the password would be requested from console input.
Add pyproject.toml
with all required project dependencies
Enable Redis cache
Add django-rest-framework
dependency and enables SchemaView
Custom user model, forms and admin.
Modern ECMAScript and SASS build pipeline with Rollup.
Add components/index.js
and components/my-component
Web Compoenent sample. Result Javascript and CSS compiled to the configured Django static/
$ npm run build # dev and minified build
$ npm run watch # continuously watch and rebuild dev version
$ npm run eslint # code style check
Demo project with all features enabled
The list of links to software documentation to learn more about the technologies integrated into this minimal django project template:
Ansible, Babel, Caddy, Celery, Dart Sass, Django, Django-environ, Django-redis, Django RestFramework, ESLint, Gunicorn, NPM, Poetry, PostgreSQL, Redis, Rollup.js, Uvicorn, Systemd Unit Files and Logging, Viewflow, Web Components,