<p align="center"> <img align="center" src="" width="175"></img> </p>
A full-stack starter template featuring Next & Hardhat with a built-in Blast AI Chatbot, designed for building Dapps
, as well as developing, deploying, testing, and verifying Solidity smart contracts on the Blast L2 chain. This starter kit includes pre-installed packages such as create-next-app
, hardhat full code
, tailwindcss
, web3.js
, and more.
📺 Quickstart
🛠️ Installation guide
⌛️ create-blast-dapp command
Open up your terminal (or command prompt) and type the following command:
npx create-blast-dapp <your-dapp-name>
# cd into the directory
cd <your-dapp-name>
📜 Smart Contracts
All smart contracts are located inside the Hardhat folder, which can be found in the root directory. To get started, first install the necessary dependencies by running:
# cd into the hardhat directory
cd hardhat
npm install
🔑 Private key
Ensure you create a .env
file in the hardhat
directory. Then paste your Metamask private key in .env
with the variable name PRIVATE_KEY
as follows:
⚙️ Compile
Now, you can write your contracts in ./contracts/
directory, replace Greeter.sol
with <your-contracts>.sol
file. To write tests, go to ./test
directory and create <your-contracts>.js
# for compiling the smart contracts
npx hardhat compile
# for testing the smart contracts
npx hardhat test
After successful compilation, the artifacts directory will be created in ./artifacts
with a JSON /contracts/<your-contracts>.sol/<your-contracts>.json
containing ABI and Bytecode of your compiled smart contracts.
⛓️ Deploy
Before deploying the smart contracts, ensure that you have added the Blast Sepolia Testnet
to your MetaMask wallet and that it has sufficient funds. If you do not have testnet $ETH on Blast Sepolia, please follow this faucets guide.
Also, make changes in ./scripts/deploy.js
(replace the greeter contract name with <your-contract-name>
For deploying the smart contracts to blast sepolia testnet
network, type the following command:
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js
Copy-paste the deployed contract address here.
<your-contract> deployed to: 0x...
✅ Verify
To verify the deployed smart contract on Blast Sepolia, execute the following command:
# for verifying the smart contracts
npx hardhat verify <deployed-contract-address>
💻 Next.js client
Start the Next.js app by running the following command in the root
npm run dev
# Starting the development server...
⚖️ License
create-blast-dapp is licensed under the MIT License.