console application that allows the automation of an api
CLI create-app-express-api
create-app-express-api is a CLI application that bootstraps your NodeJS / Express projects fast and easy.
Running a single command will get you a production-ready Node.js application installed and fully configured on your machine. The app comes with many built-in features, such as: password encryption, request validation, API documentation, connection to database via ORM or ODM and a basic ready-to-run user CRUD.
Para usar la CLI, deberá instalarla globalmente a través de npm:
npm install -g create-app-express-api
npm i -g create-app-express-api
Once the CLI application is installed, all you have to do is run the create-app-express-api command to start a new project Node-js with Express
Note: CLI console applications must always be installed globally in order for them to run as commands, otherwise they won't work
Quick Start
To create a project, simply run:
Step 1
- select a directory or folder in which you would like to start the project
- open a git bash preference console
- run the following command: create-app-express-api
- answer the following questions
* What is the name of the project
* Project description
* Url repository git
* Author's name
* ORM type for database (mongoose or sequelize)
Note: if you just press the enter key the default name of the project will be test the database will be moongse and the other questions will be empty.
It will look like the image even though sequelize was selected for this case.
We wait a moment for the configurations to be made, install the libraries and create the file structure.
.env # Environment variables
|--config\ # Setting environment variables
|--controllers\ # Controllers
|--database\ # Database configuration
|--docs\ # Swagger configuration
|--middleware\ # Custom validations middleware
|--models\ # Mongoose or sequelize models
|--routes\ # Routes
|--services\ # Business logic
|--utils\ # Utility functions (encryptions)
|--validations\ # Request data validation schemas
|--index.js # Express app
|--app.js # App entry point
Once all the default configurations have been made and the dependencies installed, we will be ready to start the next step.
Step 2
We enter the project folder with the command.
cd test (name folder)
We go to the (.env) file and configure the environment variables, in especially the database credentials as the case may be.
DB_URI = mongodb://localhost:27017/test
DB_USERNAME = username
DB_PASSWORD = password
DB_HOST = localhost
DB_DIALECT = postgres
Step 3
Once the database credentials are configured, we enter the following commands in the console to start the project.
npm run dev
npm run start
The application starts on port 9000 and connects to the database. Others will have the link to open the page and once we enter we will see the following window in the browser
at this point we will only have to enter the route http://localhost:9000/api/v1/docs/ to be able to see the documentation of the api and the CRUD of users with which it comes.
I hope you find it useful code
If you have any recommendations for what can be improved or added to the CLI, please feel free to open a pull request.
When creating a new branch please follow the feature/branch-name convention if it's a feature to be added or updated. Or if its related to fixing a bug bugfix/branch-name convention. All pull requests then will be directed towards the develop branch.
If you find any bugs, please open an issue.