A full-stack starter template with React & Truffle or Hardhat to develop, deploy, and test Solidity smart contracts on the 5ire testnet network.
A full-stack starter template with React & Hardhat or Truffle to develop, deploy, and test Solidity smart contracts on the 5ire testnet network. The starter kit also includes pre-installed hardhat full code
,Truffle code
, tailwindcss
,Metamask SDK
, web3.js
, etc. packages.
📺 Quickstart
🛠️ Installation guide
It Contains Both for Hardhat and Truffle Individually
🛠️ Installation guide for Truffle
Install this for first time by running the following command in your terminal:
npm install -g create-5ire-dapp
⌛️ create-5ire-dapp command
Open up your terminal (or command prompt) and type the following command:
npx create-5ire-dapp <your-dapp-name> truffle
# cd into the directory
cd <your-dapp-name>
🔑 Mnemonic
Ensure you create a .secret
file in the root
directory. Then paste your Metamask mnemonic in .env
with the variable name MNEMONIC
as follows:
xxxx ,xxxx ,xxxx ,xxxx ,xxxx ,xxxx ,xxxx ,xxxx ,xxxx ,xxxx ,xxxx ,xxxx
⚙️ Compile
Now, you can write your contracts in ./contracts/
directory, replace Greeter.sol
with <your-contracts>.sol
file. To write tests, go to ./test
directory and create <your-contracts>.test.js
truffle compile
# for testing the smart contracts
truffle test
After successful compilation, the artifacts directory will be created in ./src/abis
with a JSON /<your-contracts>.json
containing ABI and Bytecode of your compiled smart contracts.
⛓️ Deploy
Before deploying the smart contracts, please make sure you have a 5ire testnet
in your Metamask wallet with sufficient funds, follow this quickstart guide if you do not have one.
Also, make changes in ./migrations/2_deploy_contracts.js
(replace the greeter contract name with <your-contract-name>
For deploying the smart contracts to 5ire testnet network, type the following command:
truffle deploy --network testnet
Copy-paste the deployed contract address here
🛠️ Installation guide for Hardhat
📦 Install the Package Specified in the Package.json
Install this for first time by running the following command in your terminal:
npm install -g create-5ire-dapp
⌛️ create-5ire-dapp command
Open up your terminal (or command prompt) and type the following command:
npx create-5ire-dapp <your-dapp-name> hardhat
# cd into the directory
cd <your-dapp-name>
🔑 Private key
Ensure you create a .env
file in the root
directory. Then paste your Metamask private key in .env
with the variable name PRIVATE_KEY
as follows:
⚙️ Compile
Now, you can write your contracts in ./contracts/
directory, replace Greeter.sol
with <your-contracts>.sol
file. To write tests, go to ./test
directory and create <your-contracts>.test.js
npx hardhat compile
# for testing the smart contracts
npx hardhat test
After successful compilation, the artifacts directory will be created in ./src/artifacts
with a JSON /contracts/<your-contracts>.sol/<your-contracts>.json
containing ABI and Bytecode of your compiled smart contracts.
Please make the changes while Importing the JSON in ./src/app.js
⛓️ Deploy
Before deploying the smart contracts, please make sure you have a 5ire testnet
in your Metamask wallet with sufficient funds, follow this quickstart guide if you do not have one.
Also, make changes in ./scripts/deploy.js
(replace the greeter contract name with <your-contract-name>
For deploying the smart contracts to 5ire testnet network, type the following command:
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js
Copy-paste the deployed contract address here
<your-contract> deployed to: 0x...
💻 React client
start react app
npm start
# Starting the development server...
⚖️ License
create-5ire-dapp is licensed under the MIT License.