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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Pure-JS CRC-32





Standard CRC-32 algorithm implementation in JS (for the browser and nodejs). Emphasis on correctness, performance, and IE6+ support.


With npm:

$ npm install crc-32

When installed globally, npm installs a script crc32 that computes the checksum for a specified file or standard input.

| CDN | URL | |-----------:|:-------------------------------------------| | unpkg | | | jsDelivr | | | CDNjs | |


Using NodeJS or a bundler:

var CRC32 = require("crc-32");

In the browser, the crc32.js script can be loaded directly:

<script src="crc32.js"></script>

The browser script exposes a variable CRC32.

The script will manipulate module.exports if available . This is not always desirable. To prevent the behavior, define DO_NOT_EXPORT_CRC.

CRC32C (Castagnoli)

The module and CDNs also include a parallel script for CRC32C calculations.

Using NodeJS or a bundler:

var CRC32C = require("crc-32/crc32c");

In the browser, the crc32c.js script can be loaded directly:

<script src="crc32c.js"></script>

The browser exposes a variable CRC32C.

The script will manipulate module.exports if available . This is not always desirable. To prevent the behavior, define DO_NOT_EXPORT_CRC.


In all cases, the relevant function takes an argument representing data and an optional second argument representing the starting "seed" (for rolling CRC).

The return value is a signed 32-bit integer.

  • CRC32.buf(byte array or buffer[, seed]) assumes the argument is a sequence of 8-bit unsigned integers (nodejs Buffer, Uint8Array or array of bytes).

  • CRC32.bstr(binary string[, seed]) assumes the argument is a binary string where byte i is the low byte of the UCS-2 char: str.charCodeAt(i) & 0xFF

  • CRC32.str(string[, seed]) assumes the argument is a standard JS string and calculates the hash of the UTF-8 encoding.

For example:

// var CRC32 = require('crc-32');               // uncomment this line if in node
CRC32.str("SheetJS")                            // -1647298270
CRC32.bstr("SheetJS")                           // -1647298270
CRC32.buf([ 83, 104, 101, 101, 116, 74, 83 ])   // -1647298270

crc32 = CRC32.buf([83, 104])                    // -1826163454  "Sh"
crc32 = CRC32.str("eet", crc32)                 //  1191034598  "Sheet"
CRC32.bstr("JS", crc32)                         // -1647298270  "SheetJS"

[CRC32.str("\u2603"),  CRC32.str("\u0003")]     // [ -1743909036,  1259060791 ]
[CRC32.bstr("\u2603"), CRC32.bstr("\u0003")]    // [  1259060791,  1259060791 ]
[CRC32.buf([0x2603]),  CRC32.buf([0x0003])]     // [  1259060791,  1259060791 ]

// var CRC32C = require('crc-32/crc32c');       // uncomment this line if in node
CRC32C.str("SheetJS")                           // -284764294
CRC32C.bstr("SheetJS")                          // -284764294
CRC32C.buf([ 83, 104, 101, 101, 116, 74, 83 ])  // -284764294

crc32c = CRC32C.buf([83, 104])                  // -297065629   "Sh"
crc32c = CRC32C.str("eet", crc32c)              //  1241364256  "Sheet"
CRC32C.bstr("JS", crc32c)                       // -284764294   "SheetJS"

[CRC32C.str("\u2603"),  CRC32C.str("\u0003")]   // [  1253703093,  1093509285 ]
[CRC32C.bstr("\u2603"), CRC32C.bstr("\u0003")]  // [  1093509285,  1093509285 ]
[CRC32C.buf([0x2603]),  CRC32C.buf([0x0003])]   // [  1093509285,  1093509285 ]

Best Practices

Even though the initial seed is optional, for performance reasons it is highly recommended to explicitly pass the default seed 0.

In NodeJS with the native Buffer implementation, it is oftentimes faster to convert binary strings with Buffer.from(bstr, "binary") first:

/* Frequently slower in NodeJS */
crc32 = CRC32.bstr(bstr, 0);
/* Frequently faster in NodeJS */
crc32 = CRC32.buf(Buffer.from(bstr, "binary"), 0);

This does not apply to browser Buffer shims, and thus is not implemented in the library directly.


make test will run the nodejs-based test.

To run the in-browser tests, run a local server and go to the ctest directory. make ctestserv will start a python SimpleHTTPServer server on port 8000.

To update the browser artifacts, run make ctest.

To generate the bits file, use the crc32 function from python zlib:

>>> from zlib import crc32
>>> x="foo bar baz٪☃🍣"
>>> crc32(x)
>>> crc32(x+x)
>>> crc32(x+x+x)

The included crc32.njs script can process files or standard input:

$ echo "this is a test" > t.txt
$ bin/crc32.njs t.txt

For comparison, the included script uses python zlib:

$ bin/ t.txt

On OSX the command cksum generates unsigned CRC-32 with Algorithm 3:

$ cksum -o 3 <
1891069052 4161613172
$ crc32 --unsigned ~/Downloads/


make perf will run algorithmic performance tests (which should justify certain decisions in the code).

The adler-32 project has more performance notes


Please consult the attached LICENSE file for details. All rights not explicitly granted by the Apache 2.0 license are reserved by the Original Author.


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