small proxy driven observable objects to fit any framework or library
small proxy driven observable objects to fit any framework or library
craft-observable uses
- Proxy (optional)
- ES6 syntax (optional)
- Set
- Array.from
- Object.assign
observables have the following properties
- .isObservable - true if it is an observable
- .set, .get - old school non proxy accessors
- .$set, .$get - listeners for access events
- .on , .once , .off , .emit, .stopall - event system
- .defineHandle - define event methods instead of using .on('xyz',function) all the time
observables code demo
basic instanciator observable(=[obj|function])
// node.js style requiring works but will be global if not available
const { observable, eventsys } = require('craft-observable');
let farm = observable();
// listen for set events
farm.$set('farmer', (key, value, observable, isnew) => {
console.log('a new farmer is set');
if (value.includes(' ')) {
value = value.split(' ');
return {
firstname: value[0],
lastname: value[1],
farm.farmer = 'Bob Brown';
console.log(farm.farmer); // -> { firstname : "Bob" , lastname : "Brown" }
farm.animals = {
cows: 2
farm.animals.$get((key, obj) => {
return `the farm has ${obj[key] == undefined ? 'no ' + key : obj[key] + ' ' + key}`;
console.log(farm.animals.sheep); // -> the farm has no sheep
// if proxy is not available in your browser || javascript environment use the traditional get and set accessor methods
console.log(farm.animals.get('sheep')); // -> the farm has no sheep
console.log(farm.animals.cows); // -> the farm has 2 cows
event system
the observables also include a build in event system to help make them as useful as possible
let notifier = observable();
notifier.on('ui-change',(html,...otherargs) => {
let article = document.createElement('article');
article.innerHTML = html;
// some seriously async code
.then(response => response.text())
.then(text => {
// to access methods on the listener assign it as a variable
let uiChange = notifier.on('ui-change',(html,...otherargs) => {
let article = document.createElement('article');
article.innerHTML = html;
// lets say you want to stop recieving ui-change events;
// but now you want to enable them again
// or
separate use of event system
let messager = eventsys({});
// .on, .once listeners have same interface
messager.on('msg', event => {
console.log('new message',event);
// .emit takes a string event identifier
// any arguments that follow will be sent to listeners
// there are no type biases any argument will do
body : 'new piece of information'
messager.emit('msg','new piece of info','code 3' /*...*/);
// this halts any events being emited
// .stopall([true|false])
messager.stopall(); // stopped
// the bool is optional to turn event emitting on again
// just call .stopall again with false
messager.stopall(false); // working again
crazy meta objects
implement cool features by chaging the behavior of objects here is an example of what is possible, note this is probably a bad example but still it demonstrates the potential of observables to create new behaviour in objects
const fs = require('fs');
const {observable} = require('craft-observable');
const metaobject = observable({
logloc : './log.txt'
metaobject.$set('log',(key,val,obj) => {
fs.appendFile(obj.logloc, val, err => {
if (err) throw err;
metaobject.$get('log',(key,obj) => fs.readFileSync(obj.logloc,'utf8'));
const getfile = observable();
getfile.$get((key,obj) => {
const path = __dirname+'/'+key;
const stats = fs.statSync(path);
if(stats.isFile()) return fs.readFileSync(path,'utf8');
const server = require('http').createServer((req, res) => {
res.statusCode = 200;
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/html');
metaobject.log = `${} : request made \n`;
server.listen(3000, '', () => {
console.log(`Server running at`);
This little doodle is subject to change but we'll try and keep it working as much as posible with no breaking changes. if you are experiencing issues or want to improve a feature do fork, raise issues tell us about bugs and so forth.
Thank you very much enjoy the observables