A CRA React Typescript template. Using the some opinionated must-have libraries.
React Typescript Template
An opinionated Typescript Create React App (CRA) template. This template was designed to have a good starting point for web app development in Typescript with React.
Component generation
Components can be created quickly with the relevant files for testing, styles and exports using the generate-react-cli
npx generate-react-cli component NewPage --type=page
npx generate-react-cli component Box
Redux Toolkit
Redux toolkit is the choice for state management, although never required. Redux Toolkit includes wrappers for boilerplate redux code and benefits like redux thunk and immer.
Redux-logger is added as middleware example.
Defined type hooks are pre-created Defined Type Hooks. Instead of using useDispatch
and useSelector
you can use useAppDispatch
and useAppSelector
which will save from copying RootState everywhere.
React Router
React router is added as the primary routing for the template. It is standalone and the route information is not sync'd with Redux as it is not necassary.
Our recommendation is not to keep your routes in your Redux store at all. More information
Styled Components
Styled components is added for all the css generation following the CSS-in-JS approach. An example styled theme is added with the necassary types.
Eslint and prettier
Used for formatting and linting code. Rules can be updated as required.
Jest & React Testing library
Jest is installed and configured with relevant transformers and jest-styled-components for snapshot generation. React Testing library is configured for all unit testing.
Framer Motion
Added for animation.
Additional Helpers
classnames: Useful for conditional classname information in react.
var btnClass = classNames({
btn: true,
'btn-pressed': this.state.isPressed,
'btn-over': !this.state.isPressed && this.state.isHovered,
react-helmet: adjusting html/head objects, for example setting page titles husky: build hooks
Additional Notes
These packages are not included both worth noting. No library is used for end to end testing, although this could be configured with puppeteer if required. cra-bundle-analyzer could be used for analyzing bundle size. source-map-explorer useful for debugging code bloat.