This project is a starter template for future developers learning to code using the [freeCodeCamp]( curriculum. Specifically, this starter template is a test suite for the [Random Quote Machine project](https://www.freecodeca
Create React App Template: freeCodeCamp Random Quote Machine
This project is a starter template for future developers learning to code using the freeCodeCamp curriculum. Specifically, this starter template is a test suite for the Random Quote Machine project.
freeCodeCamp is one of the best spaces out there for aspiring web developers to learn how to develop for the web. Its projects are its main strength as project-based learning is the best way forward.
However, I think there is a better way to approach these projects rather than suggesting it all be done on CodePen. The jump from browser-based code editors to local text editors is a big one. I hope this tool will provide an easy way for that transition to happen.
Install Create React App using this Template
npx create-react-app random-quote-machine --template cra-template-fcc-random-quote-machine
y create react-app random-quote-machine --template cra-template-fcc-random-quote-machine
Thanks for helping out with this small project! This project uses Create React App Custom Templates so please make sure to read that documentation.
To get started, fork this repository then clone the repository you forked. The command should look like:
git clone<your-github-user-name>/cra-template-fcc-random-quote-machine
Then, to create a test template, run:
npx create-react-app test-app --template file:./cra-template-fcc-random-quote-machine
in the parent folder.