This is a dashboard starter template for a React project with Vite as the build tool and .
React Vite Starter Template
This is a dashboard starter template for a React project with Vite as the build tool and .
to setup boiler plate
use: yarn create react-app project-name --template codehimalaya_fe
- React 18 with hooks
- TypeScript
- Vite 2 for fast builds and dev server
- Chakra UI for styling
- React Router v6 for routing
- React Query for data fetching
- Framer Motion for animations
- React Helmet Async for managing page title and meta tags
- React Hook Form for form management
- Yup/Zod for form validation
- lint-staged and husky for automatic linting and formatting on commit
- CommitLint and Conventional Changelog CLI for generating changelogs
- zustand for state management
- @tanstack/react-table for creating datatable
- husky precommit hooks to restrict type any, console and unused variables