A base template with lots of features and with Stitches as its styling method.
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This project used:
In General
- Folder organization in which content is in a descriptive folder with index file and optional files
- Types are kept in types.ts
- Styles are kept in styles.ts
- Tests are kept in tests.ts
- Local components are kept in /components local folder with same structure
- Local hooks are kept in /hooks local folder
- Local translations are kept in /localization local folder
On Components
- Props extending HTML tags and with component name as prefix
- Ref forwarding
- Arias: busy & disabled,
- Props order: "rest & ref", "arias", "props"
- ConditionalStatements & Returns section
- Maps
- Styled Component
- "S" namespace for Styled Components
- Styles with propStyles variable
On Styles and Theming
- DefaultStyles variable & file
- ResetStyles variable & file
- Animations variable & file
- Global Styles
- MUI Custom Theming
On Context
- Error handling
- "value" variable with "get" and "set" objects to organize better
- Memo to memoize "value" and help with unecessary re-renders
- Categorized content sections as "Utility Information" and others by necessity
As libs
- React Icons
- Styled Components
- Material UI (with Styled Component support libs)
- Framer Motion
- Immer (and use-immer)
- Typescript
- Jest, React Testing Library, User Event and MSW (Mock Service Worker)
- Prettier and ESLint (ESLint Plugin Jest included)
- i18n (i18next)
- Craco (to override Create React App configuration and allow Styled Components with MUI)
Useful Specific Libs
- Routes handling: npm i react-router-dom
- Requests Handling: npm i axios
- Form Handling: npm i react-hook-form
- Manipulating Tab Text: npm i react-helmet-async
- Date Operations: npm i date-fns
- Calendar/Date Picker: npm i react-day-picker
- Dropzone: npm i react-dropzone
- Text Editor: npm i react-draft-wysiwyg draft-js
- Menus: npm i @szhsin/react-menu (if MUI is not satisfactory, use this one)
- Tutorials: npm i reactour (needs Styled Components)
- Complex Animations: npm i react-lottie (After Effects style)
- Chart Creation: npm i react-chartjs-2 chart.js
Folder Structure inside Global and Pages:
- Folders must have category names or descriptive names
- Use index files for entry points of folders
- When next to index file, other files must have category names, otherwise they can be descriptive names
- Aggregator files gather contents to export as one
- components: holds React components
- constants: holds data that does not change
- contexts: holds React contexts
- hooks: holds React hooks
- resources: holds media files (images, vectors, videos, subtitles, music, sfx, 3d, rigs)
- styles: holds stylization files
- tests: holds test files
- types: holds type files
- utilities: holds pure functions
- animations: holds animation-related files
- services: holds request-related files
- translations: holds translation-related files
Ps: Group in folders based on functionality first, and then on categories inside these functionalities