C++ stuct encoding/decoding with support for (dynamic) arrays. Fork of node-cppMsg.
Binary data structure transformation for JavaScript
Forked from node-cppMsg to integrate new features: dynamic array length and null-terminated strings
Using npm:
$ npm install cppmsg-dynamic
To run the tests:
$ node test.js
You can use this module, parse binary data from the c + +, can also be generate binary data(from json object) that c/c++ can phrase. This module provides follow function:
- Encode json data to binary data
- Decode binary data to json
- support more data type: int8/16/32/64, uint8/16/32, float,double,bool,string
- support msg nested;
You can phrase C++ binary data sturct from network to json. Note: c/c++ data struct must one bit algin.
cppMsg.msg constructor overloads
- `new cppMsg.msg() create empty cppMsg;
- `new cppMsg.msg( ds ) ds is data struct define Array
- `new cppMsg.msg( ds, data) ds is data struct define Array. data(optional) is init json data.
cppMsg.msg methods
- encodeMsg( data ) : json data object;
- decodeMsg( buf ) : decode Buffer to json data object;
next methods using stream mode:
- push_uint8
- push_int8
- push_uint16
- push_int16
- push_uint32
- push_int32
- push_string
- push_char
- encode( data ) : data is json data stream.
Normal Mode
Assume this for all examples below
C++ Code:
//C++ struct define Must one byte algin
struct head{
int mainType;
int subType;
struct msg{
int reg;
int chkCode;
int iType;
bool bMonitor;
char workPath[10];
unsigned int processID;
struct head testObj;
long long testin64;
float floatArray3[3];
Nodejs code:
var cppMsg = require('./cppMsg.js');
var msg_def = {
['subType', 'int32']
var msg = new cppMsg.msg(
['bMonitor', 'bool'],
['testObj','object', msg_def.msgHead], // nested other
['floatArray3', 'float', , , 3]
var buff = msg.encodeMsg( {
reg : 2,
chkCode : 0,
iType : 2,
bMonitor : false,
workPath : 'no 你 work',
processID : 1234,
testObj :{
mainType : 0x01020304,
subType : 0x0A0B0C0D
testint64 : 0xCDEF,
floatArray3: [1.1, 2.2, 9.7]
} );
console.log( buff );
var data = msg.decodeMsg( buff );
console.log( data );
stream mode
msg.push_int32(2); // reg
msg.push_int32(0); // chkCode
msg.push_int32(2); // iType
msg.push_uint8(0); // bMonitor
msg.push_string('no worker path',10);
msg.push_string('no worker path',20);
msg.push_uint32( 1234 ); // processID
console.log( msg.encode());
Merged upstream changes: 1.1.0
- Using ES6 syntax
- optimize performance encodeMsg
- fix int64 decode/encode error( Works only for numbers <= Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER ).
- fix object decode error.
- string type add encode support(using iconv-lite).
- Added support for null terminated strings.
- forked from node-cppMsg and added array support.
The MIT License (MIT)
Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Shudingbo (node-cppMsg) Copyright (c) 2017-2018 darnold79 (node-cppMsg-dynamic)