Package with main utilities actions to deal with CPF data (Brazilian personal ID), like generation fake ones, validating and formatting
cpf-utils for JavaScript
Toolkit to handle the main operations with CPF data (Brazilian personal ID): validation, formatting and generation of valid character sequence.
Browser Support
| | | | | | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | Latest ✔ | 11 ✔ |
$ npm install cpf-utils --save
// Common JS syntax:
const cpfUtils = require('cpf-utils')
// ES Module syntax:
import cpfUtils from 'cpf-utils'
// or get the specific function with ES tree-shaking:
import { isValid, generate, format } from 'cpf-utils'
or import it through your HTML file, using CDN:
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/cpf-utils@latest/dist/cpf-utils.min.js"></script>
is only a wrapper to the libraries maintained by LacusSoft, cpf-fmt
, cpf-gen
and cpf-val
, so you can refer directly to their specific documentation. Anyway, the API is detailed hereby with examples.
cpfUtils.format(string[, options])
returns string
The format
method expects a string as its first parameter.
If the input does not contain 11 digits (it does not require to be a valid CPF, but it MUST be 11-digits long) an onFail
callback is invoked. By default, a copy of the input is returned as a fallback, but this callback and other customizations may be defined in the second parameter.
const cpf = '47844241055'
cpfFmt(cpf) // returns '478.442.410-55'
cpfFmt(cpf, { // returns '478.***.***-**'
hidden: true
cpfFmt(cpf, { // returns '478442410_55'
delimiters: {
dot: '',
dash: '_'
Here are the available default configurations that can be overwritten by the options
cpfFmt(cpf, {
delimiters: {
dot: '.', // string to replace the dot characters
dash: '-', // string to replace the dash character
escape: false, // boolean to define if the result should be HTML escaped
hidden: false, // boolean to define if digits should be hidden
hiddenKey: '*', // string to replace hidden digits
hiddenRange: {
start: 3, // starting index of the numeric sequence to be hidden (min 0)
end: 10, // ending index of the numeric sequence to be hidden (max 10)
onFail(value) { // fallback function to be invoked in case a non-11-digits is passed
return value
returns string
If you need to generate valid CPF's to work with, the generate
method make this task easy and safe. You just need to invoke it with no parameters to obtain an 11-digits string, however, you can provide an options
object to configure its output, like flagging it to format or to complete a digits string with a valid CPF sequence:
let cpf = cpfGen() // returns '47844241055'
cpf = cpfGen({ // returns '005.265.352-88'
format: true
cpf = cpfGen({ // returns '52825091138'
prefix: '528250911'
cpf = cpfGen({ // returns '528.250.911-38'
prefix: '528250911'
format: true
The default configurations are:
format: false, // indicates if output should be formatted
prefix: '', // if you have the CPF initials and want to complete it with valid digits.
}) // The string provided must contain between 0 and 9 digits!
Keep in mind that, for the prefix
option, it must be a string containing up to 9 digits.
returns boolean
The validate
method receives a string as its single parameter, evaluate it and returns true
or false
as output. This parameter may contain any character like letters, symbols, punctuation or white spaces, but it will immediately return false
in case the expected 11 digits are not found to be deeply evaluated.
cpfVal('12345678909') // returns "true", because "123.456.789-09" is a valid CPF
cpfVal('123.456.789-09') // returns "true"
cpfVal('12345678910') // returns "false", because the suffix has changed, making this CPF invalid