Couple is an event based collaboration of NodeJS, Express, Socket.IO, Jade and Stylus
Couple is an event based collaboration of NodeJS, Express, Socket.IO, Jade and Stylus
npm install couple
var couple = require('couple');
var app = new couple({
port: 8080
port: Number //change the listen to port, Default: 80
sid: String //the key to use for express session store, Default: couple.sid
secret: String //the secret to use for express session store, Default: secret
view: String //the directory where the views are, Default: ''
viewCahce: Boolean //whether or not to enable view caching, Default: false
viewLayout: Boolean //whether or not to enable global layout, Default: false
static: String //the directory where to serve static files from, Default: 'public'
routes: Function(express) //function to call to establish any special routes, Default: function(express){}
ioLog: Boolean //whether or not to enable logging, Default: false
express::init: Function(express) //event after express has been setup
express::start: null //event after express has been started
express::stop: null //event after express has been stopped
express::request: Function(req,res) //event after the catchall route is called
io::init: Function(io) //event after has been setup
io::start: null //event after express has been started
io::stop: null //event after express has been started
io::connect: Function(socket) //event after a new client has conencted
Constructor( options ) //called on initialization options is an array of settings
start() //call to start the server
stop() //call to stop the server