Library for fetching paginated data from couchdb
Library for fetching paginated data from couchdb
Document is used to read and write a single document from couch
Constructor(Object? document, Object? connectionData)
document param will be the raw document will be replaced if hydrate is invoked if hydrate is used then doc must contain the "_id" field connectionData param is the connection information used if replace is invoked, gets replaced if hydrate is invoked
Object getRawDocument()
returns the internal document
async void hydrate(Object connectionData, String? revOverride)
will replace the internal document and update connection information, will pull latest rev by default, revOverride will pull down a specific rev
async void upsertTo(Object connectionData, String id)
will upload the internal document to the specified connection and replace the id
async void replace()
replaces the current document if connection information is present and bumps the rev
Useful for iterating through a collection of documents, documents are paginated
Constructor({int? initialIdx, int? pageSize, int? attachmentPageSize, Object connection_data})
initialIdx is the starting index of the cursor, defaults to 0 pageSize is the size of pages of docs fetched from the remote database, defaults to 1 attachmentPageSize is the size of pages that derived attachment cursors will use, defaults to 1 connectionData is the connection information the cursor will use to pull documents
async this init(Object? selector, Object? sort)
readies the cursor, must be invoked before reading pages, can also reset the cursor selector and sort are optional
async Document[] getCurrentPage()
returns the current page of documents, will not bump current index
async Document[] nextPage()
returns the current page of documents, will bump the current index
async Document[] nextFilteredPage(function filterFunction)
returns documents that pass the filter, will continue to get pages until the total number of docs is >= pageSize or all docs have been filtered, updates the index of the cursor
boolean completed
property that represents whether the end of the database has been reached
async getAttachmentCursor(Document doc)
returns a new AttachmentCursor for the given document will be hydrated before returning
var connectionData = {USERNAME:username, PASSWORD:password, COUCHDB_HOST:host, COUCHDB_NAME:database, COUCHDB_PROTOCOL:protocol};