corvid-tests is a lightweight test package for corvid&js development
this package is still in development -updated documentation will be added soon too
corvid-tests is a lighweight package for making simple programmatic tests without the cli.
making synchronous tests with testsuite class! (testsuite tests & before function & after functions should be synchronous)
import { TestSuite } from 'corvid-tests';
function tests(){
const ts = new TestSuite('my first test suite!');
ts.addTest('should be truthy').expect([2]).toBeTruthy();
ts.addTest('deep object comparison should work').expect([1,2,3]).deepObjectEquals([1,2,3]);
const results = ts.getAllTestsResults();
console.log('sync test suite results',results)
sync test suite results [
TestResult {
m_StartAt: 2020-08-21T16:35:02.406Z,
m_Passed: true,
m_TimePassed: 70.1249999999618,
m_Description: 'should be truthy'
TestResult {
m_StartAt: 2020-08-21T16:35:02.406Z,
m_Passed: true,
m_TimePassed: 139.61499999999205,
m_Description: 'deep object comparison should work'
making asynchronous tests with AsyncTestSuite class (tests & before & after functions can be synchronous or asynchronous)
import { AsyncTestSuite } from 'corvid-tests';
async function asyncTests(){
const ats = new AsyncTestSuite('my first async test suite !');
ats.addBeforeEach(()=>{'random before each function'});
ats.addAfterEach(async ()=>{'random after each function'})
ats.addTest('should contain 2').expect([1,2,3]).toContain(2);
ats.addTest('should be equal').expect(5).toBe(5);
ats.addTest('should fail').asyncExpect(async ()=>{
/// do some async stuff...
return 5
ats.addTest('should fail').asyncExpect(async ()=>{
throw new Error('i hate errors')
return 5
const results = await ats.getAllTestsResults();
console.log('async test suite results', results);
const failed = await ats.getFailedTestsResults();
const passed = await ats.getPassedTestsResults();
async test suite results [
TestResult {
m_StartAt: 2020-08-21T16:35:02.413Z,
m_Passed: true,
m_TimePassed: 174.11199999997962,
m_Description: 'should contain 2'
TestResult {
m_StartAt: 2020-08-21T16:35:02.413Z,
m_Passed: true,
m_TimePassed: 172.08299999998644,
m_Description: 'should be equal'
TestResult {
m_StartAt: 2020-08-21T16:35:02.413Z,
m_Passed: false,
m_TimePassed: 169.41100000002507,
m_Description: 'should fail',
m_FailedString: 'expected 5, but got 2'
TestResult {
m_StartAt: 2020-08-21T16:35:02.413Z,
m_Passed: false,
m_TimePassed: 0,
m_Description: 'should fail',
m_FailedString: 'test failed',
m_ErrorDetected: true,
m_ErrorString: 'i hate errors'
failed [
TestResult {
m_StartAt: 2020-08-21T16:35:02.413Z,
m_Passed: false,
m_TimePassed: 169.41100000002507,
m_Description: 'should fail',
m_FailedString: 'expected 5, but got 2'
TestResult {
m_StartAt: 2020-08-21T16:35:02.413Z,
m_Passed: false,
m_TimePassed: 0,
m_Description: 'should fail',
m_FailedString: 'test failed',
m_ErrorDetected: true,
m_ErrorString: 'i hate errors'
passed [
TestResult {
m_StartAt: 2020-08-21T16:35:02.413Z,
m_Passed: true,
m_TimePassed: 174.11199999997962,
m_Description: 'should contain 2'
TestResult {
m_StartAt: 2020-08-21T16:35:02.413Z,
m_Passed: true,
m_TimePassed: 172.08299999998644,
m_Description: 'should be equal'