Cordova plugin for authentication with truecaller
title: Truecaller Authentication description: Authenticate users with Truecaller.
Supported Platforms
- Android
Generate Fingerprint/SHA1 On Linux
keytool -list -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android
On Windows
keytool -list -v -keystore "c:\users\your_user_name\.android\debug.keystore" -alias androiddebugkey -storepass android -keypass android
You can get the fingerprint/SHA1 from the command output
Generate partnerkey
- Visit, create an account and login.
- Navigate to your dashboard and add application.
- Add your app name, package name and your fingerprint to add the application.
- Copy the generated App Key, which is the partner key.
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-truecaller --variable PARTNER_KEY='<Your truecaller partnerkey>'
Alternatively, you can also install from git url
cordova plugin add --variable PARTNER_KEY='<Your truecaller partnerkey>'
truecaller.check(successCallback, errorCallback)
Can be used to find if the user has truecaller application installed on their device.
truecaller.verify(options, successCallback, errorCallback)
Displays the truecaller dialog to authenticate the user.
var options = {
consentMode: 'Bottomsheet',
loginTextPrefix: 'To continue',
loginTextSuffix: 'Please verify mobile no',
ctaTextPrefix: 'Use',
buttonShape: 'Rounded',
footerType: 'Later',
consentTitle: 'Verify',
sdkOptions: 'With otp',
function (success) {
function (profile) {
console.log('Got profile', profile);
function (error) {
function (error) {
if (error === 'Not installed')
console.error('Truecaller is not installed on user device.');
else console.error(error);
options.consentMode : string
Kind: consentMode property of Options Default: Bottomsheet Alowed Values
| Value | Description | | --- | --- | | Bottomsheet | Displays a bottomsheet | | Fullscreen | Displays a fullscreen modal | | Popup | Displays a popup |
options.buttonColor : hex color code
Kind: buttonColor property of Options Default: #2979FF
options.buttonTextColor : hex color code
Kind: buttonTextColor property of Options Default: #FFFFFF
options.loginTextPrefix : string
Kind: loginTextPrefix property of Options Default: To continue Description: Will display the same value. Alowed Values
| Value | | --- | | To get started | | To continue | | To complete your order | | To checkout | | To proceed with your booking | | To continue with your booking | | To get details | | To view more | | To continue reading | | For new updates | | To get updates | | To subscribe | | To subscribe and get updates |
options.loginTextSuffix : string
Kind: loginTextSuffix property of Options Default: To continue Description: Will display the same value. Alowed Values
| Value | | --- | | Please verify mobile no | | Please login | | Please signup | | Please login signup | | Please register | | Please sign in |
options.ctaTextPrefix : string
Kind: ctaTextPrefix property of Options Default: Proceed with Description: Will display the same value. Alowed Values
| Value | | --- | | Use | | Continue with | | Proceed with |
options.buttonShape : string
Kind: buttonShape property of Options Default: Rounded Description: The shape of button. Alowed Values
| Value | | --- | | Rectangle | | Rounded |
options.footerType : string
Kind: footerType property of Options Default: Later Description: Will display the same value in footer. Alowed Values
| Value | | --- | | Later | | Manually | | Another method |
options.consentTitle : string
Kind: consentTitle property of Options Default: Verify Description: Will display the same value. Alowed Values
| Value | | --- | | Login | | Sign up | | Sign in | | Verify | | Register | | Get started |
options.sdkOptions : string
Kind: sdkOptions property of Options Default: With otp Alowed Values
| Value | | --- | | With otp | | Without otp |
Clears the trueScope.