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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




This plugin allows you to create card view using plain javascript. Only for TabrisJS apps.




Cordova - TabrisJS CardView plugin

for Android and iOS, by Joko Rivai

0. Index

  1. Description
  2. Screenshots
  3. Installation 3. Automatically (Cordoa CLI) 3. Manually
  4. Usage
  5. Credits
  6. Changelog

1. Description

This plugin allows you to create card view using plain javascript. Only for TabrisJS apps. Supported on Android and iOS (as platforms supported by TabrisJS). Currently TabrisJS is not supporting CardView yet, so this plugin may help you create similar view based on TabrisJS widget library.

  • You can specify card's title, image and text to show.
  • You can specify actions for the card. Actions are tabris.Buttons and may be added as much as needed, but please consider card space available for them.
  • Each action can have callback
  • You can change the card's title, image and text at runtime.
  • Compatible with Cordova CLI.

2. Screenshots


Not yet.




3. Installation

Automatically (Cordova CLI)

Cordova - TabrisJS CardView plugin is compatible with Cordova CLI, here's how it works with the CLI (backup your project first!):

Using the Cordova CLI and the Cordova Plugin Registry

$ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-tabrisjs-card

Or instal using Git repository

$ cordova plugin add

tabrisjscard.js is brought in automatically. There is no need to change or add anything in your code to make it available. Please note that this plugin is NOT for HTML/WebView based Cordova apps. This plugin is ONLY for TabrisJS Cordova apps.

To create card, call

// reference to the plugin
var createCard =;
// create card:



You'd better use the CLI, but here goes:

Grab a copy of tabrisjscard.js, from extracted-zip\www\ and put it to your project's www folder and reference it:

var createCard = require('./tabrisjscard.js').createCard;

4. Usage

Creating a card

Cards created by this plugin are TabrisJS UI widget composite. The composite will be returned by createCard() function and can be manipulated as usual TabrisJS UI widgets.

To create plain card on a page (top is always 0 with 3dp margin):

var card1 = createCard('Card1 Content', 'Card1 Title').appendTo(page);

To create plain card on a page, top to another widget with 3dp margin:

var card2 = createCard('Card2 Content', 'Card2 Title', {
  adjacentTop: card1

To create plain card without title on a page, top to another widget with 3dp margin:

var card3 = createCard('Card3 Content', '', {
  adjacentTop: card2

To create card on a page, top to another widget with 3dp margin, with image at top/left side:

var card4 = createCard('Card4 Content', 'Card4 Title', {
  adjacentTop: card3,
  image: 'images/010.jpg',
  imagePosition: 'top', // or 'left'. right and bottom are not supported.

To create card on a page, top to another widget with 3dp margin, with image at top/left side, and add some actions at bottom bar:

var card5 = createCard('This is card5 content', 'Card 5', {
  adjacentTop: card4,
  image: 'images/009.jpg',
  imagePosition: 'top',
  height: 250, // width is not supported, it always be parent's width minus margins at left and right side.
  actions: [
    {image: 'img/share.png', action: function(theCard, theButton){
      // Tapped on theButton of theCard
    {text: 'Great!', action: function(theCard, theButton){
      showToast('great!'); // please add Toast to enable showToast

To create card on a page with tap event and change the card's image:

var card6 = createCard('Card6 Content', 'Card6 Title', {
  adjacentTop: card5,
  image: 'images/010.jpg',
  imagePosition: 'top', // or 'left'. right and bottom are not supported.
}).on('tap', function(widget, gesture){
  showToast('tapped on card 6');
  card6.image.set('image', {src: 'images/007.jpg'});

To create card on a page with Image Caption and separate action color and position:

var card7 = createCard('Card7 Content', 'Card7 Title', {
  adjacentTop: card6,
  image: 'images/001.jpg',
  imageCaption: 'Blue Lake Girl',
  imageCaptionColor: '#ffffff',
  imagePosition: 'top',
  actions: [
    {color: '#ff0000', position:'right', image: 'img/share.png', action: function(theCard, theButton){
      var opts = {
        message: 'Share content for card 6',
        subject: 'Share card 6',
        chooserTitle: 'Bagikan'
      window.plugins.socialsharing.shareWithOptions(opts, function(r){}, function(e){});
    {color: '#0000ff', position:'left', text: 'snap', image: 'img/camera.png', action: function(theCard, theButton){
    {position:'left', text: 'Great!', action: function(theCard, theButton){

Accessing Card Members

You can access card's members as follows:

var card6 = createCard('Card6 Content', 'Card6 Title', {
  adjacentTop: card5,
  image: 'images/010.jpg',
  imagePosition: 'top', // or 'left'. right and bottom are not supported.
}).on('tap', function(widget, gesture){
  showToast('tapped on card 6');
  card6.image.set('image', {src: 'images/007.jpg'});

card6.title.set('text', 'New Title For Card6'); 
// ---- only when you specify title (non empty string) on card creation.
card6.content.set('text', 'New content For Card6');
card6.image.set('image', {src:'newimage.jpg'}); 
// ---- only when you specify valid image on card creation.
card6.actions[0].set('image', 'icons/icon-share.png'); 
// ---- card6.actions.length would be 0 
// ---- if no actions were specified on card creation
Card6.imageCaption.set('text', 'New Image Caption');

Diposing a Card

Card can be disposed as usual TabrisJS widgets:


Creation function

Here is the function for creating the card:

  cardContent,  //string
  cardTitle,    //string  
    cornerRadius, // integer, default 3
    adjacentTop,  // TabrisJS UI widget, default null,
    elevation,    // integer, raise the card with shadow effect, Android 5+ only
    background    // string, CSS color, either 'rgb(a,b,c)', '#abc' or '#aabbcc'
    left          // integer, default 6
    right         // integer, default 6
    height        // integer, default 200    
    image: 'images/010.jpg', // string. {src: '...'} is not supported
    imagePosition: 'top', // or 'left'. right and bottom are not supported,
    imageCaption, // string, text to display on top of image,
                  // string, CSS color
    actions       // array of object, see below...

Card Actions is an array of object, as:

  image:'img.png',  // string, image uri
  text: 'text',     // string, arbitrary text
  color: '#ff0000', // string, CSS color
  position: 'left'  // string, 'left' or 'right', defaults to 'right'
  action: function(theCard, theAction){}


This plugin is based on TabrisJS. The Javascript code was entirely created by me.

This library is now trying to stick on Google Material Design specs, thanks to mpost for commenting on This TabrisJS Issue.



  • Fix default parameter for createCard().


  • Add options for Card: imageCaption and imageCaptionColor.
  • Remove margin around Card image (accourding to Material Design Specs for Card).
  • Card Actions change from Button to Composite (because TabrisJS UI Button always have border and shadow - elevation cannot be set to 0).
  • Card Actions change, now each action item can have its own foreground color.
  • Card Actions change, now each action item can have its own position on Card Action Bar ('left' or 'right').