Cordova plugin for Smart Ad Server to monetize hybrid apps
Cordova/PhoneGap Plugin for Smart Ad Server.
Show Mobile Ad with single line of javascript code
Step 1: Prepare Ad Unit Id, in Smart Ad Server portal, then write it in your javascript code.
var ad_units = {};
if( /(android)/i.test(navigator.userAgent) ) {
ad_units = { // for Android, in pattern "siteId/pageId/formatId"
banner: '35176/(news_activity)/15140',
interstitial: '35176/(news_activity)/12167'
} else if(/(ipod|iphone|ipad)/i.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
alert('iOS not implemented');
} else {
alert('Windows phone not supported');
Step 2: Want a banner? single line of javascript code.
// it will display smart banner at top center, using the default options
if(SmartAdServer) SmartAdServer.createBanner( {
adId: ad_units.banner,
position: SmartAdServer.AD_POSITION.TOP_CENTER,
autoShow: true
} );
Step 3: Want full screen Ad? Easy.
// load and display full screen Ad
if(SmartAdServer) SmartAdServer.prepareInterstitial( {
adId: ad_units.interstitial,
autoShow: true
} );
Platforms supported:
- [x] Android
- [ ] iOS (not implemented yet)
- [x] Easy-to-use: Display Ad with single line of javascript code.
- [x] Powerful: Support banner, interstitial.
- [x] Smart: Auto fit on orientation change.
- [x] Same API: Exactly same API with other RjFun Ad plugins, easy to switch from one Ad service to another.
How to use?
- If use with Cordova CLI:
cordova plugin add com.rjfun.cordova.smartadserver
- If use with PhoneGap Buid, just configure in config.xml:
<gap:plugin name="com.rjfun.cordova.smartadserver" source=""/>
- If use with Intel XDK: Project -> CORDOVA 3.X HYBRID MOBILE APP SETTINGS -> PLUGINS AND PERMISSIONS -> Third-Party Plugins -> Add a Third-Party Plugin -> Get Plugin from the Web, input:
Name: AdMobPluginPro
Plugin ID: com.rjfun.cordova.smartadserver
[x] Plugin is located in the Apache Cordova Plugins Registry
Quick start with cordova CLI
# create a demo project
cordova create test1 com.rjfun.test1 Test1
cd test1
cordova platform add android
# now add the plugin, cordova CLI will handle dependency automatically
cordova plugin add com.rjfun.cordova.smartadserver
# now remove the default www content, copy the demo html file to www
rm -r www/*;
cp plugins/com.rjfun.cordova.smartadserver/test/* www/;
# now build and run the demo in your device or emulator
cordova prepare;
cordova run android;
# or import into eclipse
Javascript API Overview
// use banner
createBanner(adId/options, success, fail);
showBannerAtXY(x, y);
// use interstitial
prepareInterstitial(adId/options, success, fail);
// set default value for other methods
setOptions(options, success, fail);
Banner Bottom | Banner Top
Banner Toast | Interstitial
This Cordova plugin is developed by Raymond Xie for Groupe Express-Roularta.
Groupe Express-Roularta is the sponsor of this project, and agrees to publish as open source to benefit the community.
See Also
Ad PluginPro series for the world leading Mobile Ad services:
- GoogleAds PluginPro, for Google AdMob/DoubleClick.
- iAd PluginPro, for Apple iAd.
- FacebookAds PluginPro, for Facebook Audience Network.
- FlurryAds PluginPro, for Flurry Ads.
- mMedia PluginPro, for Millennial Meida.
- MobFox PluginPro, for MobFox.
- MoPub PluginPro, for MoPub.
More Cordova/PhoneGap plugins by Raymond Xie, find them in plugin registry.
If use in commercial project and need email/skype support, please buy a license, you will be supported with high priority.
Project outsourcing and consulting service is also available. Please contact us if you have the business needs.