cordova plugin for securely writing logs to local app cache
Cordova plugin to capture both webview and native log events and store them securely on disk.
Also works out-the-box with Capacitor!
Features / Goals
- Ability to capture logs both from the webview and native side into a common local recording outlet
- Encrypt data before it hits the disk to protect sensitive user data
- Automatically prune oldest logs to prevent infinitely expanding log data storage
- Ability to load logs from disk, combined and unencrypted, so they can be uploaded to a server as needed
Why make this plugin?
The most secure solution when dealing with sensitive user data is to not log anything at all.
However, when it comes to tracking down nefarious bugs that only happen in the field, the next best thing is to capture logs in a secure sandbox - which is the aim of this plugin.
npm i -P -E git+
NPM / Capacitor:
npm i -P -E cordova-plugin-secure-logger
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-secure-logger
Source documentation can be found here
Plugin Initialization
/* In your app initialize logic */
import { SecureLogger, SecureLogLevel, enableWebviewListener } from 'cordova-plugin-secure-logger';
// Wire up the primary rx-console transport with secure logger webview proxy.
// after platform ready event
await SecureLogger.configure({
minLevel: SecureLogLevel.DEBUG,
// See documentation for other available options
Logging Events
You can produce logs for this plugin on both the webview and native side
TypeScript / JavaScript (webview)
This plugin uses @obsidize/rx-console for webview log capture / filtering. See rx-console docs for proper usage of this module.
import { Logger } from '@obsidize/rx-console';
const logger = new Logger('ExampleService');
// Log events from rx-console will automatically get buffered and
// sent to the plugin on a fixed interval.
logger.debug(`This will be stored in an encrypted log file`);
const someError = {error: `transfunctioner stopped combobulating`};
logger.warn(`Something bad happened! ->`, someError);
This plugin uses Timber for Android native log capture.
calls from android.util.Log
from timber.log.Timber
in other plugins, and those logs will automatically be captured by this plugin.
In plugin.xml
<platform name="android">
<framework src="com.jakewharton.timber:timber:5.0.1" />
In Kotlin / Java:
import timber.log.Timber
Timber.d("Logging stuff on native android for the secure logger plugin! Yay native logs!")
This plugin uses CocoaLumberjack for iOS native log capture.
Replace print()
/ NSLog()
calls with DDLogXXXX()
in other plugins, and those logs will automatically be captured by this plugin.
In plugin.xml
<platform name="ios">
<source url="" />
<pods use-frameworks="true">
<pod name="CocoaLumberjack/Swift" spec="~> 3.8" />
In Swift:
import CocoaLumberjack
DDLogDebug("Logging stuff on native ios for the secure logger plugin! Yay native logs!")
In Objective-C:
#import <CocoaLumberjack/CocoaLumberjack.h>
#define ddLogLevel DDLogLevelAll
DDLogDebug("Logging stuff on native ios for the secure logger plugin! Yay native logs!");
Gathering Logs to Report
To grab a snapshot of the current log cache:
import { SecureLogger } from 'cordova-plugin-secure-logger';
async function uploadLogs(): Promise<void> {
const logCacheData = await SecureLogger.getCacheBlob();
const bodyBlob = new Blob([logCacheData], { type: 'application/octet-stream' });
// upload / share it somewhere
await'/log-capture', bodyBlob);