Cordova NFC application activity launcher plugin for Android
This plugin will add a new intent to your main Cordova's Andoid activity so your app will launch when a NDEF record with the MIME type scpecified has been read.
For stable relases type:
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-nfc-launcher-android --variable MIME_TYPE="text/plain"
For latest releases type:
cordova plugin add --variable MIME_TYPE="text/plain"
The variable MIME_TYPE should be provided upon instalation and should contain the MIME type of the NDEF message which will trigger you app.
IMPORTANT: The plugin modifies only the AndroidManifest.xml file and therefore it has no code to be used.
NOTE: Normally, Cordova creates the main activity for Android with launchMode="singleTop". However, this is NOT sufficient to prevent the second instance of your activity. Furthermore, you want your NDEF message to be fetched by your onNewIntent callback, as the plugin cordova-plugin-nfc-android does. The launch mode should be set to launchMode="singleTask". This will create only one instance of the app, or reuse it, if it alredy runs in the background. Because of a bug in the , in plugin.xml we cannot have two edits of the activity tag in the manifest file. Therefore, the only solution is to add to your config.xml following lines in the Android platform:
<!-- This will disallow second instance to be created and all backgroud scans will be redirected to activity's onNewIntent override -->
<edit-config file="AndroidManifest.xml" mode="merge" target="/manifest/application/activity">
<activity android:launchMode="singleTask"/>
If you like my work and want more nice plugins, you can get me a beer or stake.