Microsoft Azure Active Directory Graph Cordova plugin.
Apache Cordova plugin for Microsoft Azure Active Directory Graph
Provides JavaScript API to work with Microsoft Azure Active Directory Graph. ####Supported Platforms####
- Android (cordova-android@>=4.0.0 is supported)
- iOS
- Windows (Windows 8.0, Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1)
Sample usage
To access the AAD Graph API you need to acquire an access token and get the AAD client. Then, you can send async queries to interact with AAD entities. Note: application ID, authorization and redirect URIs are assigned when you register your app with Microsoft Azure Active Directory.
var resourceUrl = '';
var tenantName = '';
var endpointUrl = resourceUrl + tenantName;
var appId = '98ba0820-f7da-4411-87bb-598e0475536b';
var authority = '' + tenantName + '/';
var redirectUrl = 'http://localhost:4400/services/aad/redirectTarget.html';
var AuthenticationContext = Microsoft.ADAL.AuthenticationContext;
var ActiveDirectoryClient = Microsoft.AADGraph.ActiveDirectoryClient;
var authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authority);
var client = new ActiveDirectoryClient(endpointUrl, authContext, resourceUrl, appId, redirectUrl);
client.users.getUsers().fetchAll().then(function (users) {
result.forEach(function (user) {
console.log('User: ' + user.displayName + ' PrincipalName: ' + user.userPrincipalName);
}, function(error) {
Complete example is available here.
Installation Instructions
Use Apache Cordova CLI to create your app and add the plugin.
Make sure an up-to-date version of Node.js is installed, then type the following command to install the Cordova CLI:
npm install -g cordova
Create a project and add the platforms you want to support:
cordova create aadClientApp cd aadClientApp cordova platform add windows <- support of Windows 8.0, Windows 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 cordova platform add android cordova platform add ios
Add the plugin to your project:
cordova plugin add
Build and run, for example:
cordova run android
To learn more, read Apache Cordova CLI Usage Guide.
Common operations
Getting entities
// Option #1: client.<entities>.get<Entities>().fetchAll().then(win, fail);
client.users.getUsers().fetchAll().then(function(itemsArray) {
}, function(err) {
// Option #2:<Entities>().getDirectoryObjects().fetchAll().then(win, fail);
client.directoryObjects.asApplications().getDirectoryObjects().fetchAll().then(function(itemsArray) {
}, function(err) {
// Get by objectId: client.<entities>.get<Entity>(objectId).fetch().then(win, fail);
client.devices.getDevice('33f8f7d8-38e4-44f8-acf3-2745cb6d2e80').fetch().then(function(device) {
}, function(err) {
// Or alternatively:
client.directoryObjects.asUsers().getDirectoryObject('33f8f7d8-38e4-44f8-acf3-2745cb6d2e80').fetch().then(function(user) {
}, function(err) {
Adding entities
// Option #1: client.<entities>.add<Entity>(instance).then(win, fail);
client.users.addUser(user).then(function(addedUser) {
}, function(err) {
// Option #2:<Entities>().addDirectoryObject(instance).then(win, fail);
client.directoryObjects.asGroups().addDirectoryObject(group).then(function(addedGroup) {
}, function(err) {
Updating entities
client.groups.getGroup(objectId).fetch().then(function (groupFoundById) {
groupFoundById.displayName = 'Updated group name';
groupFoundById.update().then(function () { ... }, function (err) { ... });
}, function (err) { ... });
Deleting entities
client.groups.getGroup(objectId).fetch().then(function (groupFoundById) {
groupFoundById.delete().then(function () { ... }, function (err) { ... });
}, function (err) { ... });
Queries, Filters and Paging
client.users.getUsers().filter("displayName eq 'John Trident'").fetchAll().then( ... );
client.users.getUsers().filter("startswith(displayName,'test')").fetchAll().then( ... );
client.users.getUsers().top(3).fetchAll().then( ... )
client.users.getUsers().orderBy('displayName').fetchAll().then( ... )
client.users.getUsers().top(3).orderBy('displayName').fetchAll().then( ... )
Note: combining of filter
and orderBy
is not supported.
Results are being paginated when fetch
method is used:
client.users.getUsers().fetch().then(function(pagedCollection) {
pagedCollection.currentPage.forEach(function (user) {
console.log('User "' + user.displayName + '" userPrincipalName: "' + user.userPrincipalName + '"');
pagedCollection.getNextPage().then(function(secondPagedCollection) {
}, function(err) {
}, function(err) {
- Queries are not yet supported along with
by AAD Graph JS SDK, - getPreviousPage is not yet supported by AAD Graph JS SDK.
Entity types and their specific operations
Creating and initializing an entity instance
var user = new AadGraph.User();
user.displayName = 'displayName';
user.mailNickname = 'mailNickname';
user.userPrincipalName = displayName + '@' + tenantName;
var passwordProfile = new AadGraph.PasswordProfile();
passwordProfile.password = "tempPassword1234";
passwordProfile.forceChangePasswordNextLogin = true;
user.passwordProfile = passwordProfile;
// `usageLocation` property is required in order to use `assignLicense` method (see example below):
user.usageLocation = 'US';
user.accountEnabled = true;
Managing subscriptions and plans
You can call on user assignLicense
to add or remove subscriptions for the user.
You can also enable and disable specific plans associated with a subscription.
Adding a subscription with its service plans:
"disabledPlans": [],
"skuId": subscribedSkuId
}], []).then(function () { ... }, function(err));
Disabling subscription plan:
"disabledPlans": [servicePlanIdToDisable],
"skuId": subscribedSkuId
}], []).then(function () { ... }, function(err));
Removing subscription:
user.assignLicense([], [subscribedSkuIdToRemove]);
Reseting user password
To reset user password you should update its PasswordProfile
For example:
user.passwordProfile = new AadGraph.PasswordProfile();
user.passwordProfile.password = "ChangedPass1234";
user.passwordProfile.forceChangePasswordNextLogin = true;
user.update().then( ... );
// Getting
user.manager.fetch().then(function(manager) { ... }, function(err) { ... });
// Updating
user.update_manager(anotherUser).then(function () { ... }, function(err) { ... });
The Get User’s Direct Reports operation returns a list of the user’s direct reports. These are users and contacts that have their manager
navigation property set to the user on which the operation is performed.
user.directReports.getDirectoryObjects().fetchAll().then(function(reports) {
}, function(err) {
user.memberOf.getDirectoryObjects().fetchAll().then( ... )
user.oauth2PermissionGrants.getOAuth2PermissionGrants().fetchAll().then( ... );
user.appRoleAssignments.getAppRoleAssignments().fetchAll().then( ... )
user.appRoleAssignments.addAppRoleAssignment(newItem).then(function(addedItem) {
}, function(err) {
Creating and initializing an entity instance
var group = new AadGraph.Group(client.context);
group.displayName = 'myGroup';
group.mailNickname = 'groupMailNickName';
group.mailEnabled = 'false';
group.securityEnabled = 'true';`
group.members.getDirectoryObjects().fetchAll().then(function(members) {
}, function(err) {
group.addMember(newMember).then(function () {
}, function(err) {
group.deleteMember(existingMember).then(function () {
}, function(err) {
Note: members
property is applicable to DirectoryRole as well.
client.isMemberOf(group.objectId, user.objectId).then(function(obj) {
if (obj.value === true) { console.log('the member is in the group'); }
}, function(err) { ... });
Call the getMemberGroups function on a user, contact, group, or service principal to get the group objectId's that it is a member of.
You can pass boolean argument to get only security enabled groups.
For example,
// `securityEnabledOnly` - false by default
user.getMemberGroups().then(function (groupIds) {}, function(err) { ... });
// `securityEnabledOnly` = true
user.getMemberGroups(true).then(function (groupIds) {}, function(err) { ... });
This function is similar to getMemberGroups
but it returns role objectIds as well.
You can call checkMemberGroups
on an instance to check its membership in a list of groups.
user.checkMemberGroups([group1.objectId, group2.objectId]).then(function (groupIds) {
// groupIds is an array containing parent groups objectId's
}, function (err) {
Creating and initializing an entity instance
var app = new AadGraph.Application(client.context);
var identifierUrl = '';
app.displayName = 'MyApp';
app.identifierUris = [identifierUrl];
Getting deleted applications
client.deletedDirectoryObjects.asApplications().fetchAll().then(function(apps) { ... }, function(err) { ... })
Restoring deleted applications
argument can be passed to restore
method if you need to update the old value.
For example:
client.deletedDirectoryObjects.asApplications().fetchAll().then(function (apps) {
apps[0].restore().then(function (restoredApp) {
apps[1].restore(['']).then(function (secondRestoredApp) {
}, function(err) { ... });
}, function(err) { ... });
}, function(err) { ... });
Directory Schema Extensions
Creating and initializing an entity instance
var property = new AadGraph.ExtensionProperty(); = 'skypeId';
property.dataType = 'String';
property.targetObjects = property.targetObjects.concat('User');
Adding an extension
client.applications.addApplication(that.createApp()).then(function (app) {
app.extensionProperties.addExtensionProperty(extensionRaw).then(function (extension) {
// The name should become a fully-qualified extension property name like 'extension_ab603c56068041afb2f6832e2a17e237_skypeId'
Writing and reading an extension property
user['extension_ab603c56068041afb2f6832e2a17e237_skypeId'] = 'live:userSkypeId';
user.update().then(function() {
client.users.getUser(user.objectId).fetch().then(function (updatedUser) {
Note: extension properties reading and writing are not currently supported by JS SDK.
Creating and initializing other entity types
Creating a service principal for an app
var principal = new AadGraph.ServicePrincipal();
principal.appId = app.appId;
Creating an oauth2PermissionGrant
var grant = new AadGraph.OAuth2PermissionGrant(client.context);
grant.resourceId = resourceId;
grant.clientId = clientId;
grant.principalId = principalId;
grant.consentType = 'Principal';
grant.startTime = '2014-03-01';
grant.expiryTime = '2014-04-01';
Creating a device
var device = new AadGraph.Device();
device.displayName = 'myDevice';
device.deviceId = deviceId;
device.accountEnabled = true;
var altSecId = new AadGraph.AlternativeSecurityId();
altSecId.key = btoa(key);
altSecId.type = type;
// Triggering _identityProviderChanged to become true as this field is required in request
altSecId.identityProvider = null;
device.alternativeSecurityIds = [altSecId];
device.deviceOSType = OSType;
device.deviceOSVersion = OSVersion;
Creating an appRoleAssignment
var assignment = new AadGraph.AppRoleAssignment(); = id;
assignment.resourceId = resourceId;
assignment.principalId = principalId;
Copyright (c) Microsoft Open Technologies, Inc. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use these files except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.